How would I control `test` to run serially for som...
# general
How would I control
to run serially for some specially marked tests? I don't see anything in or for an option on that. We have integration tests that have to run against shared hardware and running in parallel would cause lots of issues.
Pending a better answer, I suppose you could run it as
./pants test --debug …
to force it to run in the foreground, and thus not in parallell.
you can also use to have a unique execution slot inserted into the test run as an environment variable, if you have N instances of the test hardware, for example
it won’t bound the total concurrency of the tests though.
N is 1 in our case. I don't think I understand the execution slot meaning from the docs.
mm, sorry about that. if process parallelism is set to 8, then there are 8 slots that can be in use at a time. each of them is assigned an id, and that environment variable exposes that id
so… you could also reduce the parallelism for some of your tests (by setting
), rather than setting
test --debug
. but it would still need to be in a separate run of pants (probably after the first, so that you hit caches populated in the first run)
So maybe the run would look something like
./pants --process-execution-local-parallelism=1 test path/to/my/integration/tests:: --pytest-args="--integration"
. So first options keeps things serial and second option selects my custom markers that I can
with. Thoughts?
yea, basically. the option affects all processes that we run though: hence the suggestion to run any parallel/non-integration tests that you have first to warm caches as much as possible.
if that’s awkward, i could imagine an API where tests could be marked “foreground” or “exclusive” or something, which would force them to run 1) locally, 2) exclusively… if you’d like to open a ticket about it, i can hook it up to some related efforts.
Yup, that makes sense to me. I'll think on the specific ask before opening a ticket. I think having some kind of flag that's more directly related to the test goal might be nice.
👍 1