I could use some help debugging the remote caching...
# general
I could use some help debugging the remote caching server. I have a local instance of the buildfarm build-server running off of this documentation and my pants.toml configured like:
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remote_cache_read = true
remote_cache_write = true
remote_store_address = "<grpc://localhost:8980>"
remote_instance_name = "memory"
I could use help figuring out if the pants build actually hits the running remote cache instance.
If you don't get errors at the top of your goals, then in my experience, it's hitting it.
One way I tested my stuff was to run something so that it populates the cache and then immediately rerun it with
or whatever the flag was.
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I was testing using
./pants test
and, in the test summary, you'll see
(cached remotely)
when it has pulled from the remote.
By errors at the top, I mean it will report things like dns lookups and such
Thanks that looks like it is working then, couldn't believe it myself. So say I'm using the remote cache and building a docker image, does that mean there's a copy of the built docker image in the remote cache instance?
I would assume so. I didn't see anything for configuring what does or doesn't hit the cache. But all of these systems clear the cache based on least recently used basis so that would take up a couple hundred MB (or a few GB depending on image) at one time and then probably quickly get pushed out of the cache from tests and other things that get run/accessed more frequently.
to your Pants invocation to view the internal counters Pants has
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if the remote cache counters are non-zero, then it accessed the remote cache
specifically these counters: •
— total number of requests to remote cache • `remote_cache_requests_cached`— number of requests where there was a cache hit •
— number of requests where there was a cache miss
Thanks that's very helpful. I'm going to play with the remote server a bit because it looks like its not storing the docker image artifacts. Though it is getting hit.
Copy code
remote_cache_requests: 4
  remote_cache_requests_cached: 0
  remote_cache_requests_uncached: 4
As you mentioned @high-yak-85899 its probably getting evicted due to its size. My end goal is to prototype a configuration where the client does not have the docker images in its local cache.
Reliably storing container images should be left to something like a container registry imo.
@high-yak-85899 that sounds right, gonna read some more documentation and think about it.
The remote cache key is the hash of the encoded protobuf form of the
executed by Pants. (The protobufs involved are the
protos from the Remote Execution API.) Enable debug logging with
and see if the
invocation by Pants have some difference which would vary their content from run to run.
Also the Pants remote cache does not include Docker images. Docker has its own cache for those, and Pants currently knows nothing about Docker’s cache.
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Further, building a Docker image intentionally isn't cached: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/13464 I recommend using something like
./pants lint
./pants test
when debugging remote caching
But the pex binaries that would be copied into an image would be cached, right?