Pants is mentioned in the <Software Engineering at...
# general
Pants is mentioned in the Software Engineering at Google book. An excellent reading in Chapter 18. Build Systems and Build Philosophy for anyone who deals with build systems like ourselves ๐Ÿ™‚
Google has spent a tremendous amount of engineering effort over its lifetime in creating its own build system from the ground up, with the goal of ensuring that our engineers are able to quickly and reliably build code.ย The effort has been so successful that Blaze, the main component of the build system, has been reimplemented several different times by ex-Googlers who have left the company (2).
The URL in the footnote (2) which takes you to the web site (the page itself is not found though), but itโ€™s taking you to the right site which is great!
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This reminds me I need to finish this book. I started it and then forgot.
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Nice catch, Alexey! I'm curious whether @enough-analyst-54434 and @happy-kitchen-89482 agree with the book author that Pants is a "reimplementation" of Blaze. I've understood it to be inspired in part by their respective experiences with Blaze and other internal tooling at Google, but have never heard them describe it as an attempt to reimplement it per se.
@happy-kitchen-89482 iirc, doesn't support automatic redirects. Is there any way to create an index.html page and hide it from the left sitenav? So that at least there'd be a valid landing page instead of a 404?
That book is presumably talking about Pants v1
What are you trying to redirect from and to?
@busy-vase-39202 I think inspired may be right, but the phrasing we (me, Bill Farner and Brian Wickman) used with each other was that we wanted Borg and Blaze. And that reflects reality, we wanted those systems. They weren't open source so we built them or facsimiles thereof. Mesos / Aurora we're much closer to re-implementations. Pants was an evolution from an existing ant build and just shared the surface similarly of BUILD files with Blaze as a start point.
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Benjy came along shortly after and I think he wanted Blaze too. Unfortunately he only had Pants v0 to work with.
love the insider information! ๐Ÿ˜„ Borg -- this one
No, just a sec ... The OSS equivalent today is Kubernetes.
oh I see, going to be a nice bedtime reading for me!
Sorry, not understanding why we need ?
It's the URL in the book that was published. So the book is using a dead link. We want to fix that dead link to redirct to our homepage
Yep. Or if not redirect automatically, then as a least a softer landing than a 404. e.g. "welcome to Pants! Click here for an introduction to..."
this is obviously cosmetics! They get to the right web site, which is the most important thing. However, the traffic may be significant for people reading the e-book, so if not too much of an effort, a redirect would be nice
Ah right! I missed the context, sorry.