Export enthusiasts - is it possible to customize t...
# general
Export enthusiasts - is it possible to customize the output directory of "pants export ::"? It's currently written to dist/export/etc... , curious if it could be changed to e.g. just "env" to match what PyCharm does by default
I had a pretty easy time pointing to
in VSCode for editor workings following steps similar to what is in here
Currently no, but this could easily be added
Or, to be more precise: Pants writes end products (such as binaries) to the "dist dir", which can be configured (https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/reference-global#section-pants-distdir)
But if you configure it, then everything else that gets written to dist will go to the new location as well
👍 1
It sounds like what you'd want is to specifically write the output of
somewhere else?
Yeah, but this would be a fairly minor enhancement - I'm just looking at what would be different for my team by switching to pants, and one small thing is that each team member would need to point PyCharm at the directory that "pants export" writes out instead of the default of "env"
Vscode has workspace settings you can track with the repo. Does Pycharm not have similar? That would be surprising to me.
For awareness, here is what I'm referring to: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/settings
PyCharm does, but I haven't tried it out yet to know just how shareable the project settings are
i.e. I'm not certain it won't share things that some may not want shared / in common
Yeah, can't speak to it personally, but we've been happy with how vscode has presented it. It's pretty clear what's opted in as a workspace setting and we keep that restricted to the things we know every developer should have (e.g. format on save, automatic linting, linter configuration paths, import search paths, etc.)
It should be very straightforward to add an option to repoint the export directory, if you want to take a stab at it we can guide you through it!