Is it possible to run coverage reports and return ...
# general
Is it possible to run coverage reports and return an exit code if a threshold is not met? I'd like to have test goal fail based on a percent configured per test target.
h It'd be very appreciated if you wanted to try adding a small callout about this to as well. To suggest edits, click the button in the top right corner. Doesn't need to be perfect, we can help edit 🙂
Awesome. Thanks, Eric. What we've done in our Go applications is save coverage to a file and parse it with perl.
I should note we currently only have python & shell test targets. We may have Go & Scala soon. Having this for python is what I need atm... but may need it for other languages in the future.
👍 1
Go and Scala don't yet have coverage support - please do feel free to open up feature requests at 🙂 especially helpful is sharing how you're doing it now. Usually the hardest part of new features is scoping out how to do it w/o Pants - it's fairly mechanical to port after that
shell test targets.
This makes me so happy to hear you're using Shell test support! I'd love to hear more about that - for example, did you have tests before using Pants?
we are going to be porting over the shell script over to python because it's less than ideal. Too many edge cases to cover. It was more of a proof of concept than anything else.
Interesting. What challenges are you running into?
primarily readability.
👍 1