Good day! Is that expected that ```./pants package...
# general
Good day! Is that expected that
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./pants package ::
reruns the whole built when invoked from a new terminal window? I'm trying to make it reuse the existing runs cache etc. No changes was made to the
section apart from the following settings - with bunch of o
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dynamic_ui = false
pants_version = "2.10.0rc1"
backend_packages = [
build_patterns = ["BUILD.pants"]
pythonpath = ["%(buildroot)s/tools/pants/pants-plugins"]
# NOTE: this is needed after pantsbuild v2.11
use_deprecated_python_macros = false
Then I run
./pants package ::
from one tmux pane, then create another pane and run it there. In both cases it rebuilds everything from scratch. Maybe a more generalized question - what environment goes into the definition of "cache hit" (sorry for potentially sloppy terminology!) -- this knowledge is useful to me in case I want to invoke pants from somewhere else.
Could you run the experiment again but this time with
? Then share the
counters here? That will provide knowledge of how precisely much cache usage there was.
@fast-nail-55400 thanks, here it is. First run in the tmux pane `A`:
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local_cache_read_errors: 0
  local_cache_requests: 14
  local_cache_requests_cached: 0
  local_cache_requests_uncached: 14
  local_cache_total_time_saved_ms: 0
  local_cache_write_errors: 0
Then, tmux pane `B`:
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local_cache_read_errors: 0
  local_cache_requests: 14
  local_cache_requests_cached: 0
  local_cache_requests_uncached: 14
  local_cache_total_time_saved_ms: 0
  local_cache_write_errors: 0
And for control, running back from pane `A`:
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local_cache_read_errors: 0
  local_cache_requests: 0
  local_cache_requests_cached: 0
  local_cache_requests_uncached: 0
  local_cache_total_time_saved_ms: 0
  local_cache_write_errors: 0
The cache key for build actions is formed from, among a few other items, the command-line being run. If you run with
for debug logging, the log should print out the commands being run. We can look at those to see if there is some difference that is preventing caching.
👍 1
Aha, thanks for that one, can it be that it is because of
? It seems I have bunch of
are changing
👍 1
it can if PATH is passed into the execution sandbox that Pants uses
going to make an educated guess (since you are using Python) and guess it is the
option which defaults to looking at
as one of the ways to find the Python interpreter
./pants help-advanced python-bootstrap
Setting it (and any other option that consults PATH) to a non-changing list of paths should fix the caching issue.
Checked that. Indeed path was changing due to
fnm env
in one of the `rc`'s and then having some every-time-new tmp symlink in
. Removing it did the trick. But is there a flag similar to bazel's
to avoid slight changes in
trigger rebuilds? I mean, there are things like
which pollute path...
👀 1
Obviously in this case, set
to the paths where Python may be found.
The equivalent of Bazel’s
is probably
You can set a
to be used in all execution sandboxes invoked by Pants.
./pants help-advanced subprocess-environment
That might be the easier way to fix the issue instead of tracking down every use of
in other Pants config options.
(But it only affects execution sandboxes, so I don’t know if it would fix uses of
in config options that are consulted for purposes not related to execution sandboxes.)
I seem to be getting
TypeError: type object got multiple values for keyword argument 'PATH'
when setting
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env_vars = [
Do you have a full trace? (Add
to command-line to ensure full trace is printed.)
You can set a PATH to be used in all execution sandboxes invoked by Pants.
I don't think that will work, and we should have been validating eagerly that you don't set this. It's because Pants sets the
for you differently depending on the context, like there is
. We went with the approach of multiple more granular options so that you can optimize for better cache hits; Python might need to look at more than Shell, for example. But overall we could do a better job I think documenting these options. @acceptable-football-32760 would you want to open a feature request for something like
? Mention your use case and what you'd like to see
Hi @hundreds-father-404, thanks, do I proceed via GH issues?
Yeah that'd be great