Hi <@U01PZK60W2F>! I have some questions regarding...
# general
Hi @curved-television-6568! I have some questions regarding building and releasing (deplying) PEX targets. Currently how we do this is we copy the source code into our Dockerfile, and our CD system builds the Dockerfile, and deploys the PEX built inside. This is apparently very inefficient as there is no cache and it always rebuilds it from ground up even when there is no change affecting the PEX. @happy-kitchen-89482 described to me how this will be resolved:
the idea is that there would a build-time container, and the pex would be built in that, and then copied into the deployment image, which is what the
target describes
Is this build-time container gonna have all the source code needed and be re-used to build whatever we need to deploy?
Hey Horus!
Currently how we do this is we copy the source code into our Dockerfile, and our CD system builds the Dockerfile, and deploys the PEX built inside.
How are you building the PEX currently? E.g. are you running Pants inside the Docker image
Cool. Yes, Pants will build the
for you beforehand, using the normal Pants cache etc. Then it will copy the file into the Docker image for you. Are you already using the
field with the
But if this is running in CI, which is a linux platform, then building locally and natively is fine, and https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/13682 is not critical
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@ambitious-student-81104 in our other conversation I was thinking of what happens when running this on macOS, but if this is about CI then the existing functionality should just work.
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Hi @ambitious-student-81104! ๐Ÿ™‚ In addition to what Eric and Benjy have already said, I think that in the mean time (until we have proper support for leveraging Docker for running arbitrary tasks) you can volume mount relevant cache directories into your build-time container in order to gain some efficiency back.
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Another thing to consider is the new PEX support for splitting the 3rdparty dependencies from the 1stparty application code when deploying the Pex to the production image, to reduce the number of layers being rebuilt in your image. https://pex.readthedocs.io/en/v2.1.72/recipes.html#pex-app-in-a-container
To clarify, since this is about running in CI, which is linux, then having a
target that depends on a
target should work today: When you build the
target Pants will first build the pex natively (which is fine, since that is still linux), and then embed it in the Docker image.
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you can volume mount relevant cache directories into your build-time container in order to gain some efficiency back.
not sure how this will work. ci box starts afresh for each run, no? are you suggesting external storage?
> you can volume mount relevant cache directories into your build-time container in order to gain some efficiency back.
not sure how this will work. ci box starts afresh for each run, no? are you suggesting external storage?
ah, right. yes in that case thereโ€™d need to be some remote syncing of caches during startup https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/using-pants-in-ci#directories-to-cache