Just want to make a quick announcement <@U051221NF...
# general
Just want to make a quick announcement @happy-kitchen-89482 @enough-analyst-54434. I was able to get some dedicated servers for our team with TB's of local disk storage, and so now we are able to checkout SCM workspaces to the local filesystem as well as point Pants and PEX to those locations for their caches (all while preserving the convenience of having user home directories still mapped to NFS). I was able to get over 10+ people fully setup with a single onboarding script yesterday with zero issues for anyone. One of the most promising things is the script packages and tests the entire project (which includes
targets), and this time there were no weird hash digest errors, runtime deadlocks, skipped dependencies, etc. and goals ran much more quickly. I suppose the moral of the story is don't use NFSv3. With that said, I just got word that our organization is starting the process of migrating various NFS shares to NFSv4. I don't know the implications of that, but when it happens I will probably try to give NFS another chance, as it seems there are material changes to the file locking mechanisms as it's now baked directly into the protocol. When that gets rolled out and I have an opportunity to test it, I'll pass along another update. It will be worthwhile for us to still get things working on NFS since it is so deeply embedded in the organization, and getting setup on local storage is more operationally intensive (permissions, committing to a single host, etc.). I also heard we made a new hire to get a pilot going for WSL2, which I think will be the ultimate solution. But we'll see about that one...! Thanks for all your help since we started this process. I think I can see a light at the end of the tunnel now!
👖 3
❤️ 2
That's wonderful! I'm so glad your onboarding process was so easy once you had a local filesystem, and that it sounds like you've now got several paths forward. Thanks for updating everyone on how it's going. We'd love to continue hearing more as it progresses further. It will especially be interesting to hear in the future about what the NFSv4 and WSL2 experiments ultimately reveal.