Hi, I was upgrading pants all the way from `1.17.0...
# general
Hi, I was upgrading pants all the way from
. Now I am at
, and I ran into this error when running
./pants test
, which I have encountered before and solved by specifying the version of
Copy code
No cached artifacts for 254 targets.
                   Invalidated 254 targets.06:44:34 [WARN] /home/cedriczheng/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-Linux-x86_64/1.23.0_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pants/backend/python/tasks/pytest_prep.py:92: DeprecationWarning: DEPRECATED: Pants defaulting to a Python 2-compatible Pytest version will be removed in version 1.25.0.dev2.
  Pants will soon start defaulting to Pytest 5.x, which no longer supports running tests with Python 2. In preparation for this change, you should explicitly set what version of Pytest to use in your `pants.ini` under the section `pytest`.

If you need to keep running tests with Python 2, set `version` to `pytest>=4.6.6,<4.7` (the current default). If you don't have any tests with Python 2 and want the newest Pytest, set `version` to `pytest>=5.2.4`.
  return PyTest.global_instance().get_requirement_strings()

06:44:34 [WARN] /home/cedriczheng/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-Linux-x86_64/1.23.0_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pants/backend/python/tasks/pytest_prep.py:92: DeprecationWarning: DEPRECATED: Pants defaulting to a Python 2-compatible Pytest version will be removed in version 1.25.0.dev2.
  Pants will soon start defaulting to Pytest 5.x, which no longer supports running tests with Python 2. In preparation for this change, you should explicitly set what version of Pytest to use in your `pants.ini` under the section `pytest`.

If you need to keep running tests with Python 2, set `version` to `pytest>=4.6.6,<4.7` (the current default). If you don't have any tests with Python 2 and want the newest Pytest, set `version` to `pytest>=5.2.4`.
  return PyTest.global_instance().get_requirement_strings()

**** Failed to install coverage-6.3.2 (caused by: NonZeroExit("received exit code 1 during execution of `['/usr/bin/python2.7', '-s', '-', 'bdist_wheel', '--dist-dir=/tmp/tmp8zl5tznp']` while trying to execute `['/usr/bin/python2.7', '-s', '-', 'bdist_wheel', '--dist-dir=/tmp/tmp8zl5tznp']`",)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 14, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 80
    classifier_list.append(f"Development Status :: {devstat}")
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

               Waiting for background workers to finish.
23:44:37 00:47   [complete]

ERROR: Package SourcePackage('file:///home/cedriczheng/myrepo/.pants.d/python-setup/resolved_requirements/CPython-2.7.12/coverage-6.3.2.tar.gz') is not translateable by ChainedTranslator(WheelTranslator, EggTranslator, SourceTranslator)

(Use --print-exception-stacktrace to see more error details.)
But in previous version (1.22 or 1.21), the instructions suggested me to remove those settings. If I put them back, I will get this error instead:
Copy code
23:51:52 00:04   [complete]

ERROR: Could not satisfy all requirements for coverage==5.0.3:
    coverage==5.0.3, coverage>=5.2.1(from: pytest-cov<3,>=2.8.1)
I don’t know what to do now…