If I wanted to add a documentation generation step...
# general
If I wanted to add a documentation generation step with https://pdoc3.github.io/pdoc/ , am I correct to assume that I should handle it as a codegen plugin and start from the codegen tutorial? Is there anything similar for javadoc that I could replicate?
Possibly, but it might also makes sense to create a custom doc goal. I I don't think we have any special Java Doc integration yet. Do you know already how you would do this without pants, eg the argv to run?
it’s also possible that
+ a specific documentation target would make sense
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Not sure about that
Or maybe yes? Can bikeshed 🙂
my thinking with the documentation target is that generally people want a documentation artifact (something that they can
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although Java/Scala support a special artifact type “attached” to a JAR, it’s frequently also the case that people want to publish the documentation to be hosted on an HTTP server, for example. and that latter case (“documentation artifact”) is a common thread across all languages i’ve encountered… sphinx, javadoc, cargo doc, etc
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it’s also usually the case that your published API docs in monorepos are monolithic… repo or project wide, basically. it’s rare for them to be per-library.
True, and there is probably artifact-specific config (e.g., HTTP style information) that needs to go somewhere
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