Hey Pants Team, `update-build-files` goal shows er...
# general
Hey Pants Team,
goal shows errors to add
but that's not a supported option. Since the
lives at the root of the project I believe this error is related:
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njgrisafi@Nicks-MacBook-Pro ~/workspace/pants-example (build-file-defaults)$ ./pants lint ::
14:28:42.68 [INFO] Initializing scheduler...
14:28:42.88 [INFO] Scheduler initialized.
14:28:42.93 [ERROR] 1 Exception encountered:

  MappingError: Failed to parse ./BUILD:
Targets in root-level BUILD files must be named explicitly.
example branch: https://github.com/njgrisafi/pants-example/tree/build-file-defaults
👀 1
this was the output from `update-build-files`:
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njgrisafi@Nicks-MacBook-Pro ~/workspace/pants-example (build-file-defaults)$ ./pants update-build-files --fix-python-macros
14:22:38.03 [ERROR] You must manually add the `name=` field to the following targets. This is not done automatically by the `update-build-files` goal.

  * `poetry_requirements` in BUILD: add `name="poetry"
14:22:38.03 [ERROR] You must manually add the `name=` field to the following targets. This is not done automatically by the `update-build-files` goal.

  * `poetry_requirements` in BUILD: add `name="poetry"
14:22:38.03 [ERROR] You must manually add the `name=` field to the following targets. This is not done automatically by the `update-build-files` goal.

  * `poetry_requirements` in BUILD: add `name="poetry"
14:22:38.03 [ERROR] You must manually add the `name=` field to the following targets. This is not done automatically by the `update-build-files` goal.

  * `poetry_requirements` in BUILD: add `name="poetry"
14:22:38.03 [ERROR] You must manually add the `name=` field to the following targets. This is not done automatically by the `update-build-files` goal.

  * `poetry_requirements` in BUILD: add `name="poetry"
14:22:38.03 [ERROR] You must manually add the `name=` field to the following targets. This is not done automatically by the `update-build-files` goal.

  * `poetry_requirements` in BUILD: add `name="poetry"
14:22:38.03 [ERROR] You must manually add the `name=` field to the following targets. This is not done automatically by the `update-build-files` goal.

  * `poetry_requirements` in BUILD: add `name="poetry"
14:22:38.03 [ERROR] You must manually add the `name=` field to the following targets. This is not done automatically by the `update-build-files` goal.

  * `poetry_requirements` in BUILD: add `name="poetry"
What happens if you add those names?
Hi Nick! The deprecation for using the new macros is very particular. At the same time that you add the name field, you must also change the global option for use deprecated python macros
There is a very awkward and unfortunate in between where things do not work in a partial state
after adding name to
it fails to parse the BUILD file:
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njgrisafi@Nicks-MacBook-Pro ~/workspace/pants-example (build-file-defaults)$ ./pants update-build-files --fix-python-macros
14:20:38.53 [INFO] Initializing scheduler...
14:20:38.70 [INFO] Scheduler initialized.
14:20:44.74 [ERROR] 1 Exception encountered:

  MappingError: Failed to parse ./BUILD:
__call__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'name'
Did you set the global option?
is that for
Set it to false
that seems to have did the trick thank you @hundreds-father-404!
❤️ 1
Great! I wish so badly that the deprecation could have been less intricate