Q21: If I don't set `--no-run-cleanup`, the finali...
# general
Q21: If I don't set
, the finalization process seems to interfere with my own cleanup procedures, crashing Python. Can I keep my program to handle signals transparently?
Internally my program uses custom async fork implementation combined with asyncio event loops per process, with custom signal block/unblock mechanisms.
I think there may be races upon monitoring the (nested) process exit and pants-side cleanup as both handles the interrupt signal at the same time.
I think the subprocess spawn subsystem should have an option to setpgrp
which version of pants is this? signal handling moves from SIGKILL to SIGINT in 2.11.x
but note:
is intended as a debugging tool, rather than something you should run with in general. what is the usecase here?
i'm using the master branch of pants, to build on Linux aarch64
i'm trying to run a service daemon using
./pants run
where the daemon is a multi-process asyncio Python program with custom signal handlers. It works well as a systemd service and a standalone foreground app.
Also, the program's startup logs are stripped (about the first ~80 lines are not displayed) when launched via
./pants run
, so I'd like to know if it has more options to control stdout/stderr of the child program.
I've tried to remove the minus sign from pgid passed to
so that it would deliver the signal only to the process group leader (as my program expects this) and to increase the graceful shutdown timeout from hard-coded 3 seconds to 10 seconds, but had no success.
maybe i'm looking at a wrong location
(rebuilding the rust engine takes more than 3 minutes, so it is hard to fast-iterate over changing some rust codes...)
hmmm, it seems that it catches the begin/exit points properly, but still I don't get why it misses some first logs and crashes upon termination..
the main process' log seems to get truncated
while manually calling
works fine
(rebuilding the rust engine takes more than 3 minutes, so it is hard to fast-iterate over changing some rust codes...)
it builds by default in
mode, which takes a lot longer, but is faster to run. if you don’t care about the runtime performance, can use
mode by setting `MODE=debug`: see https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/contributions-rust#common-commands for more info
as to the crash on exit, if you’re able to reduce the repro at all and file a ticket, that would be very appreciated
Also, the program’s startup logs are stripped (about the first ~80 lines are not displayed) when launched via
./pants run
, so I’d like to know if it has more options to control stdout/stderr of the child program.
this sounds like a race condition in how we acquire access to stdout, but it’s fairly surprising, because that should all be synchronous. if you can file a report about this one too, that would be helpful
it may be... due to sending SIGINT to an empty set of processes (found with
hmm the related code in
looks sane
according to the "extension modules" log message, the error has occurred in a Python process of the pants-side
(i think the module is
as it is import that exact list of extension modules)
gdb.... shows a long stack trace
https://github.com/PyO3/pyo3/issues/1274 maybe related with pyo3...?
the related code lines in
i have no idea about this code....
thanks a lot for investigating! will take a look at that one later today.
👀 1
Since I'm in UTC+9, I will come back after the night!