another post-2.11-upgrade question: after upgradi...
# general
another post-2.11-upgrade question: after upgrading,
./pants export ::
started to fail with:
Copy code
unknown command: python. Perhaps you have to reshim?
which is an error from
. I saw a related fix had already been merged & cherry-picked, and pointing at the SHA fixed the issue for me:
Copy code
but even though it fixed the error, running
./pants export ::
still produced warnings that weren’t there in 2.10:
Copy code
16:01:16.46 [INFO] Completed: Building requirements.pex with 177 requirements: agefromname==0.0.6, amqp==2.6.1, authlib==1.0.0, awslambdaric==2.0.1, beautifulsoup4==4.10.0, biocommons.seqrepo==0.6.5, biopython==1.76, bioutils==0.5... (3765 characters truncated)
16:01:16.55 [INFO] Completed: Get interpreter version
/Users/dan.moran/.pex/installed_wheels/6a5463833452712ecf58a573b1b489c81d14aaed599e955c2af85cf793217a42/pex-2.1.84-py2.py3-none-any.whl/pex/ PEXWarning: Ignoring 1 `Requires` field in pysam 0.15.4 metadata:
1.) Requires: cython (>=0.29.12)

You may have issues using the 'pysam' distribution as a result.
More information on this workaround can be found here:

/Users/dan.moran/.pex/installed_wheels/6a5463833452712ecf58a573b1b489c81d14aaed599e955c2af85cf793217a42/pex-2.1.84-py2.py3-none-any.whl/pex/ PEXWarning: Ignoring 2 `Requires` fields in rdflib 4.2.2 metadata:
1.) Requires: isodate
2.) Requires: pyparsing

You may have issues using the 'rdflib' distribution as a result.
More information on this workaround can be found here:

/Users/dan.moran/.pex/installed_wheels/6a5463833452712ecf58a573b1b489c81d14aaed599e955c2af85cf793217a42/pex-2.1.84-py2.py3-none-any.whl/pex/venv/ PEXWarning: Encountered collisions building venv at /Users/dan.moran/color/dist/export/python/virtualenv/3.8.12 from /Users/dan.moran/color/dist/export/python/virtualenv/requirements.pex:
1. /Users/dan.moran/color/dist/export/python/virtualenv/3.8.12/lib/python3.8/site-packages/LICENSE was provided by:
        sha1:b88cc146668fa09ce5aa419bf7022c39d5cf52cb -> /Users/dan.moran/.pex/installed_wheels/7ca4e84ea192db2bafdec3c54d31518357073288fd3cf10dd87ead6784527bbf/pyppeteer-0.2.6-py3-none-any.whl/LICENSE
        sha1:a4466bfd6f8b645aebdf508c1b7ede0bc018f694 -> /Users/dan.moran/.pex/installed_wheels/427414fcd945d3992364ad129c76f6f0db1a5a0a13a08f84f12c1b7c33fa9a7a/rsa-4.8-py3-none-any.whl/LICENSE
2. /Users/dan.moran/color/dist/export/python/virtualenv/3.8.12/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ was provided by:
        sha1:d22f65503e9ee765f10290d7dc5c56c8d539e942 -> /Users/dan.moran/.pex/installed_wheels/7ca4e84ea192db2bafdec3c54d31518357073288fd3cf10dd87ead6784527bbf/pyppeteer-0.2.6-py3-none-any.whl/
        sha1:72aad144e976ac1623c8f45f2cf6ca42134ad4b2 -> /Users/dan.moran/.pex/installed_wheels/427414fcd945d3992364ad129c76f6f0db1a5a0a13a08f84f12c1b7c33fa9a7a/rsa-4.8-py3-none-any.whl/
Wrote virtualenv for the resolve 'None' (using Python 3.8.12) to dist/export/python/virtualenv
are any of these warnings a sign of an issue in my project setup? should I file a bug report?
I read the comment linked in the warning text but didn’t really understand it
Is this a red flag?
Wrote virtualenv for the resolve 'None'
we haven’t enabled resolves yet in our repo so I think that’s expected
maybe it could be reworded to “ignored” or “default” instead of stringifying the None-type
Yeah, that's probably an oversight
My understanding of that error (based on the pex issue linked in the message) is that this is a pip bug?
PS I've fixed up that error msg, not worth a PR on its own but I'll tack it on to another