Hello, I'm seeing an error related to GraphQL when...
# general
Hello, I'm seeing an error related to GraphQL when running
./pants test ::
. It seems to come from the ariadne package, and looks as follows.
Copy code
E   graphql.error.syntax_error.GraphQLSyntaxError: Syntax Error: Unexpected <EOF>
E   GraphQL request:238:1
E   237 |
E   238 |
E       | ^
E   239 |
I've pasted the stack trace in the thread to avoid myself from adding a super long message into the channel. I initially suspected this may be some issue related to ariadne not specifying their dependencies correctly. Previously, I've added to the
field of the
target in the root
file in order to resolve those types of issues, e.g.
Copy code
    overrides = {
        "google-cloud-pubsub": { "dependencies": [":requirements#setuptools"] },
However, the error message is not easy for me to understand in this case, and I can't quite tell what kind of error this is, and whether it is due to the same root cause. I'm wondering if the Pants engineering team has any tips on how I can diagnose what is going wrong here and how I could go about trying to resolve this. I've already run the following, and see that ariadne is at the very least correctly listed as a dependency of my target.
Copy code
➜  ./pants dependencies front_porch/modules/graphql_views/executable_schema.py
Copy code
_ ERROR collecting tests/functional/interaction_history/test_interaction_history_utils.py _


front_porch/modules/graphql_views/executable_schema.py:386: in <module>
    executable_schema = make_executable_schema(_schema_pieces, _resolvers, upload_scalar)
/Users/hughhan/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/venvs/d705eb07a9504cff30c9db408d69d319464c0389/7a2690d4c50569a1b21d9e60e967c4e24aa15de2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ariadne/executable_schema.py:26: in make_executable_schema
    ast_document = parse(type_defs)
/Users/hughhan/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/venvs/d705eb07a9504cff30c9db408d69d319464c0389/7a2690d4c50569a1b21d9e60e967c4e24aa15de2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/graphql/language/parser.py:100: in parse
    return parser.parse_document()
/Users/hughhan/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/venvs/d705eb07a9504cff30c9db408d69d319464c0389/7a2690d4c50569a1b21d9e60e967c4e24aa15de2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/graphql/language/parser.py:180: in parse_document
    definitions=self.many(TokenKind.SOF, self.parse_definition, TokenKind.EOF),
/Users/hughhan/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/venvs/d705eb07a9504cff30c9db408d69d319464c0389/7a2690d4c50569a1b21d9e60e967c4e24aa15de2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/graphql/language/parser.py:1074: in many
    nodes = [parse_fn()]
/Users/hughhan/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/venvs/d705eb07a9504cff30c9db408d69d319464c0389/7a2690d4c50569a1b21d9e60e967c4e24aa15de2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/graphql/language/parser.py:218: in parse_definition
    raise self.unexpected()
E   graphql.error.syntax_error.GraphQLSyntaxError: Syntax Error: Unexpected <EOF>
E   GraphQL request:238:1
E   237 |
E   238 |
E       | ^
E   239 |
It looks like an issue with the contents of a gql string in
The traceback is in a GraphQL parser, trying to parse a GraphQL document… so most likely a typo in that area, I’d guess.
When I run the test via
, it works fine. But running via
./pants test ::
causes this exception to be raised...
😲 1
Okay, I think I figured it out. This is because I was using
, which reads
files from directories, which would fail if they aren't added as explicit dependences 😞
Makes sense, yes.