I’m finding that `--test-output=all` is still only...
# general
I’m finding that
is still only giving me the stdout from the test that fails… is there something that I could be doing wrong here? Also is it true that both
do the same thing?
👀 1
I get more output as a result of enabling
from the successful tests, but on the failed test I see
captured stdout setup
`captured stdout call`and `captured stdout teardown`and I’d really like to see this for the successful tests as well (in order to diagnose a race condition that is dependent upon the order in which tests are run
Also is it true that both
do the same thing?
Yes, when provided after the
goal on the command line, it is.
@rapid-exabyte-76685 I think you might need to specify the pytest option for more info on a passed test. pytest --help should list it
maybe combined with
-- -s
what's the full command you're running?
./pants --process-execution-local-parallelism=1 test --force path/to/tests:integration_tests -- -m "integration"
and adding
doesn’t seem to help… if I happen to get a run where all my tests pass I’m not seeing anything other than…
Copy code
hh:mm:ss.sss [INFO] Completed: Run pytest - path/to/test/test_file_a.py:integration_tests succeeded.
<etc etc etc>

✓ path/to/test/test_file_a.py:integration_tests succeeded in x.yys.
I’ve decorated my various fixtures with
print(f"The value is {value}")
statements to try and get some further insight on what order things are happening in but no output is appearing.
if you do
./pants test --debug path/to/tests:integration_tests -- -m integration
, what happens? That runs tests sequentially and in the foreground rather than background, so you see all output
Running that with
at the end helps 👍
And seems to consistently run the test modules in alphabetical order perhaps?
And seems to consistently run the test modules in alphabetical order perhaps?
That, I have zero idea. That's Pytest behavior outside of Pants's purview
But I thought that each module was being run as a separate pytest instance by Pants?
ah yeah sorry, brain fart on "module"