When using Pex for lockfile generation, will `./pa...
# general
When using Pex for lockfile generation, will
./pants generate-lockfiles
always regenerate from scratch? If so, is there an equivalent of
poetry lock --no-update
(see here) so that transitive dependencies stay on the same versions as before, if they have no need to change?
Yeah, I requested something similar.
I think I filed a ticket about it. Let me see if I can find it
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Not a separate issue, but just a comment in https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/15318
There is a valid argument to be made that, as long as the lock file respects your
it shouldn't matter (though it does take a considerable longer amount of time to generate which is a pain).
However, my experience with third party libraries is that they're far too loose with their dependencies and end up triggering issues when pulled into a system that follows better practices.
FWIW Pex supports
pex3 lock update -p just-this-project -p oh-and-this-one-too<12.0 lock.json
Pants just doesn't use this yet.
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