Hi, how does pants handle VCS dependency using pex...
# general
Hi, how does pants handle VCS dependency using pex during test? My tests are taking quite a long time (~30 mins). Is it building this dependency from source for every test ? I am using multiple resolves if that's something that might be relevant.
We have a dependency on facebook prophet library which I am installing directly from github. This is until they do a new release on pypi.
Yeah, Pex clones the repo and builds it like it's an sdist. But it should be reusing the work from other runs. Sounds like you're not seeing that?
I am not sure. The only thing I saw was pants accumulating all these dependencies for each test and it took forever. Earlier I was using a global
where this was a dependency and the tests used to run much quicker. But after I switched to multiple resolves using pex, these tests are taking forever
Although github is facing some issues today. So I am not sure if that's what is causing this issue. Locally on my laptop this test doesn't take so long. It's on aws where it was taking too long. I will wait and see if it goes away next week or not.
Yeah the old approach was: build a PEX once w/ everything, then extract out smaller subset PEXes from that Now the approach is: directly build the smallest PEX necessary for the task. Share Pex's cache of downloading wheels & building sdists etc across those different runs.
Share Pex's cache of downloading wheels & building sdists etc across those different runs.
It's crucial that that is working properly - so definitely please do keep us informed on this!
👍 1
It does take consistently ~30 minutes when running with multiple resolves on aws. Earlier without multiple resolves it used take like 5-6 minutes. All my 3rd party dependencies except this one are defined inside
which is then used by
On the other hand I use
for installing prophet from git. I do provide the same resolve for
mm, seems like yes. will leave discussion in the other thread.