I want to parametrize `resolve` for all `python_so...
# general
I want to parametrize
for all
targets. Is it possible to configure
./pants tailor
to do that when adding more targets? I tried to make a macro, for use with https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/reference-tailor#section-alias-mapping, but I got an error:
Exception: Error parsing prelude file pants-plugins/macros.py: name 'parametrize' is not defined
My underlying motivation is very similar to https://pantsbuild.slack.com/archives/C046T6T9U/p1651762568623679?thread_ts=1651755337.307249&cid=C046T6T9U but for torch instead of jax.
You should be able to do it with a macro. Here's an example of how to do this for interpreter_constraints, the same principle should apply: https://github.com/benjyw/black/blob/pantsify3/pants_macros.py
Can you share your macro code?
Are the torch packages like mxnet, in that they have different package names, but same module name? If so, I cheated and still only use one resolve
Are the torch packages like mxnet, in that they have different package names, but same module name?
They have different versions (for example, 1.10.2 vs 1.10.2+cpu). Only one of the variants is on PyPI, the others require extra indices to access.
Can you share your macro code?
This is what I tried for the macro:
Copy code
def python_sources_parametrized(resolve=parametrize("python-default", "torch-cpu"), **kwargs):
    kwargs["resolve"] = parametrize("python-default", "torch-cpu")
    python_sources(resolve=parametrize("python-default", "torch-cpu"), **kwargs)
Would you suggest creating multiple targets instead (i.e. calling
twice)? I noticed that https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/macros says “A macro can create multiple targets—although often it’s better to use `parametrize`”
They have different versions
That stinks. My hacks won't work then
Ah, yeah, I think you can just create multiple targets. That doc means "it's often better to use parametrize than to use a macro"...