Follow up question regarding my docker / pants com...
# general
Follow up question regarding my docker / pants compatibility issues, maybe someone has a fix for that. I need to use docker in docker for CI purpose. The official docker in docker is using an alpine base, and it doesn’t look like there is an official alternative. However, pants is not build for alpine I haven’t find much on github, pretty much just one comment is there anyone having a similar issue, and if so, any workaround?
you mean, you're trying to run pants inside a docker image to build another docker image?
Pretty much yeah. Gitlab recommend docker in docker for CI pipeline that need to build a docker image yeah
i think those images get trashed after finishing, right?
correct me, if i am wrong. You want to run docker in docker to run a gitlab runner that handles pants. Once that run finished, the image gets trashed and cleaned up.
We use docker in docker regularly for our builds with debian/ubuntu base images and it seems to be fine. Although we’re not currently using the pants docker integration for building the ‘inner’ image
IIRC we only had to do a few things to get it to work: 1. use a glibc backed image (essentially anything but alpine) 2. Ensure docker is installed on the builder image (e.g.
apt-get install -y <|>
) 3. Add the following mount so that the builder container can access the same docker socket as the host:
I'm not sure that's a recommendable way of how to use pants to begin with. you want to cache build artifacts and I don't know if generating new images to connect to the cache is a good practice.
it's meant to be a long running deamon, no?
I’m not sure I follow. Docker still has a long-running daemon on the host, what we’re doing here is tunneling the way in to the host daemon into the builder image
that's why i asked if gitlab trashes the CI image once the build job finished
Ah that makes sense
We have a centralized cache so it’s not something we think about, but if the runner is persistent you could mount the
as well
can multiple runners access the same cache at the same time without conflicting?
Good question, I’ve never tried 😛
i wouldn't believe so
to add on top, I think i remember that Gitlab has some form of distributed artifact cache. I feel very uncomfortable thinking about running pants like this. I would use it as a dedicated build server.
apart from that, there is an ubuntu gitlab-runner image
that one should work with pants
@agreeable-oyster-28981 does the ubuntu image solve your issue?
to add on top, I think i remember that Gitlab has some form of distributed artifact cache. I feel very uncomfortable thinking about running pants like this. I would use it as a dedicated build server.
Not sure what you mean by distributed. In our case, we’re using s3 as a storage for artefact caching. Which is not “distributed” (as, there is a single source of truth), however, the runners are distributed yes, using a single cache source
i think those images get trashed after finishing, right?
correct me, if i am wrong. You want to run docker in docker to run a gitlab runner that handles pants. Once that run finished, the image gets trashed and cleaned up.
Yes, they’re short time living container, once the job is finished, selected artifacts are cache, the rest is discarded.
Although we’re not currently using the pants docker integration for building the ‘inner’ image
@faint-businessperson-86903 I’m curious, what’s the reason for that? Currently for my testing, I’m also not using the
target, because of the lack of multi platform support (M1/arm64, I need to build an amd64 image). Is there any other limitations?
@agreeable-oyster-28981 you have to ask yourself the question why and how you want to use Pants. Typically Pants runs in a long lived process while caching artifacts and invalidating what changed to reduce work. I doubt that using Gitlab's artifact cache integrates well into that and trashing the container after a successful run prevents you from using all the goodies Pants can offer.
Actually, having to fetch the toolchains every time you run a CI job sounds like a disadvantage. You really might want to rethink how you use your CI, or Pants
I’m curious, what’s the reason for that?
We use pulumi to manage our infrastructure, with a custom pants plugin to run the program inside an isolated context orchestrated by pants (pulumi is essentially terraform but you can use python instead of a markup language). Pulumi has a docker.Image which when used will build the docker image and push it to its registry at build time. All we have to do is add the dockerfile as a loose
context as a dependency to the custom pulumi target. We’ve been doing this before pants rolled out a
target, and just haven’t felt a compelling reason to switch 🤷
Actually, having to fetch the toolchains every time you run a CI job sounds like a disadvantage. You really might want to rethink how you use your CI, or Pants
I think that we’re not looking for the same benefits from pants. the main benefit for us is to have a convenient way to setup a python mono-repo. I gave poetry a try but it was falling behind when trying to integrate with Google Cloud Function and building a docker image. So far, pants have been pretty good for all that. I’ll check what needs to be cached for pants to run properly, but I don’t see any reason why that would not work, every other build tool I’ve used (mainly yarn and npm) works properly with Gitlab caching. Maybe I should have been more accurate about caching. It’s not “artifact caching” per se. Artifact are stored when a job is complated. For the “caching” part, it’s not just the “artifacts” that are cached, but pretty much any files. So
can be added properly regarding the toolchain, nothing prevent me to have it part of my CI image, I was actually considering testing that at some points.
@square-forest-55300 Actually, it looks like there is a part of documentation addressing this:
i didn't say it won't work, you just lose a lot of benefits 😉 nevertheless, did the ubuntu image work?
didn’t really help. I just installed docker directly and will mount the socket as suggested by @faint-businessperson-86903 I was trying to follow the docker:dind pattern, using a
file, which works if I’m tyring to do direct call to docker, as
docker build . xxx
but doesn’t work when using pants through docker, as it bypass the entry point.
Small caveat, you cannot use the default runners to mount the socket, so I had to add self hosted runners, but it seems to work fine
thanks for the help 🙏