Hi, I am trying to run a django pex binary inside ...
# general
Hi, I am trying to run a django pex binary inside a docker container using
./pants run --docker-run-args="-p 9999:9999" django:dev_image -- runserver --noreload
but hot code reloading throws an error:
docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint [...] Bind for failed: port is already allocated.
pex and docker target both are using the restartable=True option.
Hi, It could be that pants is restarting the new process too soon, so that Docker hasn’t had enough time cleaning up the previous container.
Hi, thanks for the answer. Is there a workaround or anything else I can do to solve this?
I don’t know of any good workarounds. The first that comes to mind is to not bind to a fixed port on the host, and then look up the containers port for each iteration, but I can see that becoming a real bottleneck of impracticability.. so, not one I can think of right now, really. Sorry.
@witty-crayon-22786 perhaps add a “restart delay” option? but that could be rather arbitrary I guess, how long is long enough.. etc.
which version of pants is this? more recent versions tear down more gracefully