not 100% sure what’s causing this, but running `./...
# general
not 100% sure what’s causing this, but running
./pants fmt ::
is printing out multiple lines for some reason (see thread)
Copy code
23:52:55.96 [INFO] Completed: Format with shfmt - shfmt made no changes.
23:52:58.64 [INFO] Completed: Format with Black - black made no changes.
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
36 files left unchanged.

23:52:58.92 [INFO] Completed: Format with Black - black made no changes.
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
13 files left unchanged.

23:52:59.32 [INFO] Completed: Format with Black - black made no changes.
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
28 files left unchanged.

23:52:59.76 [INFO] Completed: Format with Black - black made no changes.
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
83 files left unchanged.


23:53:06.36 [INFO] Completed: Format with isort - isort made no changes.
23:53:06.64 [INFO] Completed: Format with isort - isort made no changes.
23:53:06.65 [INFO] Completed: Format with isort - isort made no changes.
23:53:06.66 [INFO] Completed: Format with isort - isort made no changes.
23:53:06.69 [INFO] Completed: Format with isort - isort made no changes.
23:53:06.70 [INFO] Completed: Format with isort - isort made no changes.
23:53:06.87 [INFO] Completed: Format with isort - isort made no changes.
23:53:07.22 [INFO] Completed: Format with isort - isort made no changes.
23:53:07.29 [INFO] Completed: Format with isort - isort made no changes.
23:53:07.54 [INFO] Completed: Format with isort - isort made no changes.
23:53:07.57 [WARN] Completed: Format with Black - black made changes.
reformatted build-support/plugins/pdlbuild/django/

has anyone seen this?
Did Pants partition the
work in any way?
I see similar output in my company’s repo if I run
./pants fmt ::
and while the fmt was running, it performed in partitions. The confusing issue here is that the final messages do not reflect that each represents a partition of work.
a 2.10 change: But yeah, maybe we should make things more clear
👍 1
ok, good to know this is intended behavior 🙂
one downside of this format is that it’s not as easy to tell which files were changes, since they’ll be printed throughout a very long printout