I’m having issues with a symlink when running test...
# general
I’m having issues with a symlink when running tests. One of the tests’ dependencies contains a symlink which pants is unable to read, so whenever I run
./pants test ::
I get:
Copy code
19:03:04.06 [ERROR] 1 Exception encountered:

  Exception: Failed to read link "<path/to/symlink": Absolute symlink: "path/to/destination"
I’ve made sure that the destination file is not in the .gitignore and also added an exclusion to
. Is there anything that I’m overlooking?
You can't use symlinks so there's nothing you can do to get around that I believe.
It's not a matter of
being visible, it's just a limitation of the system
There was a change in the symlink-space a few weeks ago, let me see if I can find it
I can't find it 😭
😢 1