Hey there, I've got two questions: 1. What control...
# general
Hey there, I've got two questions: 1. What controls the python version used by pants itself? I thought it was the
config, but specifying ["<PYENV>"] isn't working (which may be a pyenv/path issue) 2. What's blocking pants from using python 3.10 (I see the tracking ticket https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/14111). I see that pex supports python 3.10 as of Novemberish per https://github.com/pantsbuild/pex/issues/1487.
re 1:, that should be it. What is your config set to? re 2: to be clear, it is only running Pants itself. Your own code can use Python 3.10+. The sole blocker is CI resources and PyPI resources. Releasing on 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10 will slow down our CI even more and make us an even worse offender on PyPI. We're already in the top 20 projects for storage space used. So, we'd want to drop Python 3.7 for running Pants, but that is semi-controversial (better medium term solution is we distribute Pants as a binary and don't need an interpreter)
re 1: In my pants.ci.toml I've got
Copy code
search_path = ["<PYENV>"]
In my pants.toml I've got
Copy code
search_path = ["<PYENV_LOCAL>", "<PYENV>", "<PATH>"]
Of course its only in CI where this doesn't work as expected. I'm guessing its something path-based in the CI environment so I'll keep digging re 2: ack. Do you mind if I add that to the github issue so that you don't get this question as often?
Thanks for the quick response btw
sure, feel free to! I mistakingly thought I had already said that on the ticket
It says its only built for 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9 but not why 🙂 Easy enough fix
Added a comment to the github thread 🙂
Fwiw, I'm very +1 to dropping Python 3.7 in Pants 2.14+ and swapping it to Python 3.10! We haven't really surveyed the community if they'd be fine with that, but there's a lot of demand for 3.10
(selfishly, I want to use Python 3.8 features when hacking on Pants hehe)
@hundreds-father-404 let's do that survey. It'd be good to know what the community's leaning toward and how close we are to being able to make that change.
nvm, I just scrolled down and you already did!
❤️ 1