Thank you to everyone who participated in the Pant...
# general
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Pants Team Virtual Meetup today. The next meetup will be on August 15th, at 9:00am Pacific / 17:00 BST (90 minutes). Anyone who has contributed to Pants is invited to join us. Keep an eye on #development for a more detailed announcement in August. Among the agenda items: API stabilization, bug smash day planning, conference speaking, and more. DM me, or reply here, if there's a subject you'd like to suggest too!
❤️ 4
i’d love to see a section that was a retrospective of the form “went well, went poorly, do more of, kudos” etc. i’m guessing that there is a lot of stuff that folks want to talk about that they think might not meet the bar, but actually does based on votes from attendees
👍 2
Do you mean have a portion of the meeting for essentially reviewing recent work on Pants, or a form for after the meeting that is essentially reviewing the meeting itself?
whatever folks want to submit in the retro… generally the only bounds for a retro are “relevant to the people present” and “in a relevant timeframe”
so if folks want to submit/vote-for items about the meeting itself, they can.
Would you be willing to take charge of doing that? I think it's a great idea.
yea, definitely. would need at least 30 minutes though probably. thanks.
And certainly ideal timing for kicking off development of a next month's agenda, while the most recent meeting is still fresh.
Oh, 30 minutes during the meeting? Hmm. That's a lot. There's a fair amount of research that shows people's attention flags after 90 minutes, so I'm reluctant to extend the meeting length. The discussion would just get shortchanged. Is there a reasonable online surrogate?
I agree meeting should not be more than 90 minutes, with the goal to be closer to 60
@busy-vase-39202: i think that a few different agenda items could be migrated into retro topics… if the attendees vote for them, then they get discussed… if attendees vote for other things, then they might not have been important enough for discussion
👍 1
I think 30 minutes retro could make sense. Also today we filled 60, and with overlap we would still be under 90 minutes..
👍 1
The last agenda item wound upmtruncated. It was originally meant to be a more in depth discussion of the jvm support that would have taken more time. The previous meeting ran closer to 90 minutes and definitely would have been if not for for losing a planned presentation at the last minute because the person got hit by a car earlier that morning.
the last minute because the person got hit by a car earlier that morning.
lol rip
😬 1
while presentations are definitely good, i think that interactivity is pretty important too. presentations can always be recorded and shared outside of the meeting if need be, whereas live discussion is hard to replace.
if the end result is 60 minutes of presentations / q&a and 30 minutes of discussion / retro, that seems like a reasonable place to start, imo