What's the right way to provide C libraries to a p...
# general
What's the right way to provide C libraries to a pants project, like if one of my python deps links against libcurl or something
Does the linkage rely on
? Pants tends towards hermetic by default and will not let arbitrary env vars leak into the processes it runs unless you poke holes. If so I can point you at config for doing that.
Most likely yea, there's a pycurl dependency in this code base. Is the pants answer to pole holes and use the host's libcurl? Or is there a reasonable way to build libcurl etc as well
There is currently no support for building native libs unfortunately. You can cheat via setup.py / Python, but that's probably not going to work here.
Ah okay
makes sense
We have people use that to get Cython "support" in Pants - punt to setuptools.
makes sense, once you get a PEP517 build backend involved you can do pretty much anything
We'd definitely love to support C/C++, but man-hours and all that so far.
Yeah, exactly. The build backend is the escape hatch.
yea no worries. just messing around with different options for this code base, figuring out what I'm gonna propose pypi does to make our builds better
By the way, if you're curious about Pants' hermetic environment, @ancient-vegetable-10556 did a talk recently at Pycon about it and goes into the rationales behind some of its design.


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We vendor our native libs alongside our compiled code, and do it +compilation in a plugin 🤷‍♂️ No ragrets
We'd definitely love to support C/C++, but man-hours and all that so far.
I have a draft PR for first party source compilation going in later this week - but it'll be a while before it's even a remotely stable backend. My target use case is C/C++ libs bound to Python via pybind11 - so it's a very Pants-centric workflow once we have the C support
Makes sense 🙂 I'm half considering trying out writing a plugin that will just expose Nixpkgs
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Dooooo itttttttttt
Pybind11 is header-only right? That's what we download and use setuptools in a plugin to provide a compiled C extension module
Using http_source 🙈 Duct tape and string...
Love it. However, since I direly need a proper solution that isn't hacked together scripts, cmake, and whatever else for a project I'm working on right now - seems like the right time to do this
Oh yes. The more I can remove from my repos plugins, the better chance my org has of staying afloat after my untimely demise at the sudden onset of a bus. The chances will go from 0 to maybe 7% 😂
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