What's the policy on usage when a company gets add...
# general
What's the policy on usage when a company gets added to the users page? Is it just the website? Or does pants get to use the logo elsewhere?
I think just that page, without further permission
I'd like to be able to also put the logo, in smaller size, on the website's home page as well, as many other open source projects do. But yeah, no plans to put the logos into other places. Do you need a written policy somewhere to that effect to get signoff on putting the logo up?
I think the website home page is fine, just not off pantsbuild.org, since that's what they signed off on
A written policy wouldn't hurt, if that's possible
I think usage on the website, in general, isn't an issue. It's an issue if it was used on printed material at a convention, for instance. Or at least that's I interpret what I'm reading
Yeah, basically
Or any implication that the company is endorsing any statement other than "We use Pants"
@bitter-ability-32190 @happy-kitchen-89482 let's move this to a google doc to come up with brief neutral language that can hopefully pass muster with lawyers at both ends. It's totally fair for companies to want assurances that their IP isn't going to be misused, so I expect adding the policy statement will enable more companies to say yes to inclusion.
And if anyone else has had a similar concern, please do chime in. Happy to include you in figuring out wording that can meet your org's logo use requirements as well.
What problem are we solving here?
Is there context I'm unaware of?
"what exactly are we giving permission of our logo for when filling out the form?"
I just mean, is there a specific, active need to address this, or is this speculative?
I take it Josh's company needs assurances in order to grant permission to use the logo, now that they've officially finished the migration. Even if not this company, yeah I think it's likely been an unstated need all along. PR and Legal are depts infamous in large companies for being protective of the company name and logo. For instance we encountered that last year with a different large company. So being explicit about the narrow scope of the permission sought/granted should grease skids a bit inside other companies.
So, not speculative, good.