One of the things we do, by the way, is meet month...
# general
One of the things we do, by the way, is meet monthly. All members of Pants team, maintainers and contributors alike, are invited to the join us on the 3rd Monday of every month at 9am Pacific. The next meeting is this Monday, August 15th. Ping me no later than this Wednesday if you have a topic to put on the agenda.
❤️ 4
How long is the meeting? So i can put it on my calendar?
Normally 90 minutes, but the agenda on this one is looking closer to 60 this time.
Alright, in general I have a conflict at the hour mark. Coincidentally its cancelled for this Monday :P
Well in this case, the irony is I have extra time, but seems the meeting will be short anyways 😛
Ironically, not no much now that there is one more item on the agenda (don't use 30 minutes, though, pleaseeeeeeee)
What I'd love to give the extra time to is Josh Reed's agenda item on API stabilization.
So pencil in 90 minutes this time too.
Initial braindump for the bug squash. Also funny name ideas welcome! So far I'm on the train of "Ants in my Pants: 2022 Bug squash" Prep: • Can Toolchain provide the "general" drop-in/drop-out room? ◦ How can people pair? Is Slack huddles an option? • Need to get a sign-up sheet for maintainer/contributor time slots ◦ People are welcome to also stick around, we just want a minimum "helper" around • We need to prep our issue list, ideally as much in advance as possible ◦ Labels are our friend here: "good first issue" backend: XYZ", "est. 3 weeks", etc... • We should find some volunteers to curate the docs on helping people "ramp up" • Prep people + announcements ◦ E.g. tell people we're using the "assignee" field so we don't step toes ▪︎ Can people assign themselves? If not, we need a slack channel people can use • Are we prepared for reviewer burden? • Are we prepared for CI/CD burden? Day of: • I need to find out ways of making this a bit more "fun" ◦ Can we make a "leaderboard"? ◦ Prizes, of any kinds? ▪︎ obv not for maintainers 😛 • Is there a way to partner with GitHub or some other way to award acheivements/badges? • (I should probably thin of day-of more) After: • We should reflect on what went well/what didn't • Think about if we should continue the trend. Did it have the desired effect? • Can we get stickers
thanks for thinking about this!
• Labels are our friend here:
+1. probably also putting in some time to actually put “mentored” implementation sketches (e.g.) on tickets, which would also help clarify that they are or aren’t good starter tickets
• Can people assign themselves? If not, we need a slack channel people can use
only Contributors can, iirc.
• Are we prepared for CI/CD burden?
i think that this is probably a “good problem”… getting to the point where a patch is postable already seems like success for a single day.
i think that this is probably a “good problem”… getting to the point where a patch is postable already seems like success for a single day.
True, but I'd love for people to get to see their PR get merged. Part of this would also be to get people comfortable with more contributions to Pants and I think having them journey all the way to "Merged" would be kickass. I had a thought in this domain we might want to explore anyways (cc @happy-kitchen-89482). It shouldn't be too hard to stand up a handful of GHA runners in AWS that we then use for non-engine-changing PRs and whose filesystem isn't ephemeral. Then the local cache should save us a good chunk of time on PRs. Food for thought 🙂