[UPD: ver == `2.12`] [UPD2: I tried to parametrize...
# general
[UPD: ver ==
] [UPD2: I tried to parametrize the
but then I get another error in šŸ§µ ] Hello dear community, I'm in the process of creating two resolves (a long-known problem of having gpu+cpu torch dependency) and decided to go via macros for
and the likes -- macros which parametrize them like
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def python_sources_custom(**kwargs):
    kwargs.pop("resolve", None)

    python_sources(resolve=parametrize("gpu", "cpu"), **kwargs)
All uneventful until I hit the grpc
generation and it seems that there's something off with them: ā€¢ on the one hand,
target generator does not have anything like
field (github) -- which makes sense provided that proto file is not bound to any specific language and resolve mechanism is python-specific -- so I can't actually parametrize them ā€¢ on the other hand, I hit an error for dependency resolver
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UnownedDependencyError: Pants cannot infer owners for the following imports in the target some/path/to/file.py@resolve=gpu:

  * some.import.of.this.file_pb2_grpc (line: 1)

These imports are not in the resolve used by the target (`gpu`), but they were present in other resolves:

  * some.import.of.this.file_pb2_grpc: 'cpu' from some/import/of/this/file.proto
ā€¢ a.k.a. "despite
file itself being not subject to resolve, pants naturally wants theresulting
file to be resolved" It seems to be a dead-lock šŸ˜… or am I missing something?
IF I parametrize
, I get the following error
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ValueError: Only fields which will be moved to generated targets may be parametrized, so target generator path/to/proto/target (with type protobuf_sources) cannot parametrize the {'python_resolve'} field.
Indeed seems that
fields are installed via
and are not immediately moveable...
I think, after going down the path of multiple resolves for introducing cpu/gpu target arch for Torch, I eventually hit a roadblock. So what I did: ā€¢ āœ… I created
macros allowing me to automatically parametrize
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def python_sources_custom(**kwargs):
    kwargs.pop("resolve", None)

    python_sources(resolve=parametrize("gpu", "cpu"), **kwargs)
ā€¢ āœ… For torch requirement itself, I created two versions of it
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    name = "torch-cpu",
    requirements = ["torch @ <https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu/torch-1.10.2%2Bcpu-cp39-cp39-linux_x86_64.whl>"],
    resolve = "cpu",

# same for `gpu`
ā€¢ āœ… Minor hiccup happened with the python generated grpc stubs where I had to create two
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    name = "protos-cpu",
    grpc = True,
    python_resolve = "cpu",

# same for `gpu`
ā€¢ šŸ›‘ here happens the problem: since some of my
s include other protos, let's say
import "path/to/inc.proto"
directive, I started getting a warning:
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15:17:12.27 [WARN] The target //path/to/main.proto:protos-cpu imports `path/to/inc.proto` in the file path/to/main.proto, but Pants cannot safely infer a dependency because more than one target owns this file, so it is ambiguous which to use: ['//path/to/inc.proto:protos-cpu', '//path/to/inc.proto:protos-gpu'].
In general, after many attempts to work out the "get torch of either cpu or gpu and make it a global switch" in various flavours (I happily lived with a custom generator for half a year until we introduced lockfiles to increase CI stability, now I made several attempts to solve it using multiple locks and resolves) it seems that the resolves mechanism does not accommodate this usecase well - solving each layer reveals more manual work on the next one and the problems pop up deeper. I wonder if I'm doing something fundamentally wrong, because the task of having a) "all packages except one to be the same" and b) "switch that single one depending on some environment, e.g. dev/prod" -- should be relatively easy to accomplish, yet I fail miserably šŸ˜…, meaning I likely don't wrap my mind around something simple here šŸ™ˆ Please help, would be a pity to just force everything to use GPU torch even for CI tests! šŸ™
@hundreds-father-404, can you weigh in here? Thanks!
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