Is there some obvious way to find out which platfo...
# general
Is there some obvious way to find out which platform my
is built to target? I missed that they are built to target the current host machine and have some issues with docker builds and the fact some of our devs use macos.
I tried with linux_x86_64-cp-3.10.2-cp310 (cpython 3.10.2 is our python version) and the
set to true but that fails with packages missing wheels, while omitting works on ubuntu 20.04
Or even better, could the pex be built inside a docker container?
using platforms or complete_platforms requires, when you're not actually on that platform, that pre-built wheels for the targeted platform are available. So you have to pre-build them on that platform, say via
Copy code
$ /that/platform/python -mvenv wheel-build
$ wheel-build/bin/pip wheel ...
And then make the wheels available via a custom find-links repo and tell Pants about that repo using:
Or even better, could the pex be built inside a docker container?
Many Pants maintainers are a bit heads-down at the moment working on exactly that feature.
❤️ 1
Awesome, is there an issue I could watch on gh?
and one of the key tickets is, which is how you can specify different environments for localhost vs docker image etc, like environment variables and executable search paths. Design doc at and feedback definitely welcomed