Did I write a fair description of `[anonymous-tele...
# general
Did I write a fair description of
in https://github.com/StackStorm/st2/pull/5737 ? If I can clarify that before I mark it ready for review (by the StackStorm maintainers), then that would be good.
that explanation does make sense, yea.
i would suggest putting some of it in the comment in
to help explain why it is disabled by default
i don’t think that your explanation of why the
needs to be set is strictly necessary, since (i think that?) my assumption as an observer would be that the
is not used if telemetry is disabled
but yea, all accurate.
yea, probably? it can depend on the conventions in your repo around `git-blame`ing to the explanation for a setting vs expecting it to be explained inline
Ok thanks
I'm intrigued by turning on telemetry in CI only
I'm startled to realize it takes that much detail to explain. Is there anything we could do at this end to make it simpler?
No. I think it's explained well in the docs. But I have a hard time getting people to review things unless I walk through everything in detail. I've repeatedly had people complain that I didn't provide enough detail in the PR description, so now, I go into painful detail on micro-PRs.
There are several members of the community in Europe, so GDPR is huge. Other community members work on air gapped or otherwise heavily-regulated environments. I want to provide as much telemetry as I can (including in CI), but I don't dare recommend we try enabling it by default.
Ah, gotcha. Makes sense.
So, this PR in particular might touch a nerve because it is about "telemetry" and so I'm proceeding with extreme caution to avoid blowback.
Hmmm, if it’s going to cause issues or discomfort maybe just don’t enable it even in CI?
I mean, I greatly appreciate the intent to provide telemetry, but if it’s going to be a source of friction then maybe not worth it?
I don't see a reason to not enable it in CI. If I get any pushback, then I can suggest that we skip enabling it in CI.
I concur with Benjy. I don't think the telemetry datapoint, even from CI, is worth the impression that this is a magilla. And you can always enable it in CI later, when people are happy with Pants and have developed more trust in its benefits to them.
If you turn it off in CI, I think you get the win of reducing this explanation down to a line about "this maintains your privacy and turns off a warning about an unset value, but here's how to transmit your local stats if — like me — you want to..."
Ok. I can see that approach. It does simplify the explanation at this point. I'll split out the CI bit and hold off till later.
Again, thank you so much for being willing to share that data at some point later!