I'm curious if there's a way to speed up lockfile ...
# general
I'm curious if there's a way to speed up lockfile generation or incrementally modify the lockfile, e.g. add a single new dependency or upgrade a single dependency version. It currently takes about 2 minutes just for my subproject to generate the lockfile, even when no changes have been made to any
. Setting up a virtual environment with our existing tooling takes no more than 10 seconds after dependencies have been downloaded.
There is a way but we punted on it. The assumption was updating requirements is rare - surely O(days); so suffering a 2 minute resolve every small N days is not awesome but not horrible. Perhaps you change requirements more often? To flesh it out more - the fundamental tricky bit is Pants doesn't do mutation and fast incremental resolves using Pip require mutation. You have to build a venv with the current lock, run the lock resolve from within that venv, then extract the diff. All of this can be done, but its a decent chunk of work that has not been prioritized yet because of the assumption I led with above. Today, each lock operation is done from a fresh slate. Let me see if I can dig up an old issue for you to vote up / chime in on.
Ok, there is no ticket broken out. This ticket covered 2 cases - lock files and incremental resolves. It got closed after only implementing the former: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/14127 As its thread concludes, a new issue should be opened when there is need to start work on the incremental part.
Gotcha. Yeah it's not too bad, although it's one clear area where Pants falls far behind our internal tooling. I think one main use case is adding a lock file rebuild to CI as a way to determine whether the lockfile should be rebuilt and committed to VCS. Although there may be a better way of doing this.
There is, but Pants does not expose it. For example:
Copy code
jsirois@Gill-Windows:~ $ pex3 lock create pex==2.1.104 -olock.json --indent 2
jsirois@Gill-Windows:~ $ pex3 lock update --dry-run check lock.json 2>/dev/null
jsirois@Gill-Windows:~ $ echo $?
jsirois@Gill-Windows:~ $ cp lock.json lock.orig
jsirois@Gill-Windows:~ $ vi lock.json
jsirois@Gill-Windows:~ $ diff -u lock.orig lock.json
--- lock.orig   2022-09-21 08:58:39.646271351 -0700
+++ lock.json   2022-09-21 08:58:49.396271351 -0700
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
   "pip_version": "20.3.4-patched",
   "prefer_older_binary": false,
   "requirements": [
-    "pex==2.1.104"
+    "pex"
   "requires_python": [],
   "resolver_version": "pip-legacy-resolver",
jsirois@Gill-Windows:~ $ pex3 lock update --dry-run check lock.json 2>/dev/null
jsirois@Gill-Windows:~ $ echo $?
jsirois@Gill-Windows:~ $ pex3 lock update --dry-run display lock.json
Updates for lock generated by cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_35_x86_64
  Would update pex from 2.1.104 to 2.1.105
👀 1