Hi, I am facing with a very slow `run` goal comple...
# general
Hi, I am facing with a very slow
goal completion time. Right now we have a python project with ~50 dependencies and 35-40k LOC. When I run
./pants --level=debug --pex-verbosity=9 run /path/to/folder:binary
it takes a whopping 70-80 secs to complete. And when I add a print statement to the entry file it takes the same time 70-80 seconds. I tried using
options but they didn’t help. Here is the timing details:
Copy code
pex: Building pex: 8413.4ms
pex:   Laying out PEX zipfile local_dists.pex: 0.1ms
pex:   Searching dependency cache: /Users/serhat/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/unzipped_pexes/53b03e2e28c1a38ab2a682f3a8d615cd2ba49035/.deps: 0.0ms
pex:   Resolving distributions (...): 8325.8ms
pex:     Parsing lock third_party/requirements_macos_arm64.lock: 335.4ms
pex:     Resolving requirements from lock file third_party/requirements_macos_arm64.lock: 7974.6ms
pex:       Parsing requirements: 7.3ms
pex:       Resolving urls to fetch for 48 requirements from lock third_party/requirements_macos_arm64.lock: 113.1ms
pex:       Hashing pex: 161.1ms
pex:       Isolating pex: 0.1ms
pex:       Downloading 131 distributions to satisfy 48 requirements: 43.7ms
pex:       Categorizing 131 downloaded artifacts: 1.0ms
pex:       Building 27 artifacts and installing 393: 7641.5ms
pex:         Building distributions for:
pex:         Installing 131 distributions: 7594.7ms
pex: Vendoring attr from VendorSpec(key='attrs', requirement='git+<https://github.com/python-attrs/attrs@947bfb542104209a587280701d8cb389c813459d#egg=attrs>', rewrite=True, constrain=False, constraints=None) @ /Users/serhat/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/installed_wheels/6a3c9545f9bc666f039874243789bf4ba5cc4fbde5a945eca40a651de360568b/pex-2.1.103-py2.py3-none-any.whl/pex/vendor/_vendored/attrs
pex: Vendoring packaging from VendorSpec(key='packaging', requirement='packaging==20.9', rewrite=True, constrain=True, constraints=('pyparsing<3',)) @ /Users/serhat/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/installed_wheels/6a3c9545f9bc666f039874243789bf4ba5cc4fbde5a945eca40a651de360568b/pex-2.1.103-py2.py3-none-any.whl/pex/vendor/_vendored/packaging
pex: Vendoring pyparsing from VendorSpec(key='packaging', requirement='packaging==20.9', rewrite=True, constrain=True, constraints=('pyparsing<3',)) @ /Users/serhat/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/installed_wheels/6a3c9545f9bc666f039874243789bf4ba5cc4fbde5a945eca40a651de360568b/pex-2.1.103-py2.py3-none-any.whl/pex/vendor/_vendored/packaging
pex: Vendoring pkg_resources from PreparedGit(key='setuptools', requirement='git+<https://github.com/pantsbuild/setuptools@3acb925dd708430aeaf197ea53ac8a752f7c1863#egg=setuptools>', rewrite=True, constrain=False, constraints=None) @ /Users/serhat/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/installed_wheels/6a3c9545f9bc666f039874243789bf4ba5cc4fbde5a945eca40a651de360568b/pex-2.1.103-py2.py3-none-any.whl/pex/vendor/_vendored/setuptools
pex: Vendoring setuptools from PreparedGit(key='setuptools', requirement='git+<https://github.com/pantsbuild/setuptools@3acb925dd708430aeaf197ea53ac8a752f7c1863#egg=setuptools>', rewrite=True, constrain=False, constraints=None) @ /Users/serhat/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/installed_wheels/6a3c9545f9bc666f039874243789bf4ba5cc4fbde5a945eca40a651de360568b/pex-2.1.103-py2.py3-none-any.whl/pex/vendor/_vendored/setuptools
pex: Vendoring wheel from VendorSpec(key='wheel', requirement='wheel==0.37.1', rewrite=False, constrain=True, constraints=None) @ /Users/serhat/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/installed_wheels/6a3c9545f9bc666f039874243789bf4ba5cc4fbde5a945eca40a651de360568b/pex-2.1.103-py2.py3-none-any.whl/pex/vendor/_vendored/wheel
Saving PEX file to <http://src.python.app/app.pex|src.python.app/app.pex>
pex: Zipping PEX file.
pex: Zipping PEX file.: 53163.6ms
16:22:24.36 [DEBUG] Completed: pants.backend.python.util_rules.pex.build_pex
16:22:24.36 [DEBUG] Dependency @rule(pants.backend.python.util_rules.pex.create_pex()) of Some("@rule(pants.backend.python.goals.package_pex_binary.package_pex_binary(<http://src.python.app/app.pex|src.python.app/app.pex>))") changed.
16:22:24.36 [DEBUG] Completed: pants.backend.python.goals.package_pex_binary.package_pex_binary
16:22:24.36 [DEBUG] Dependency @rule(pants.backend.python.goals.package_pex_binary.package_pex_binary(<http://src.python.app/app.pex|src.python.app/app.pex>)) of Some("@rule(pants.backend.python.goals.run_pex_binary.create_pex_binary_run_request(<http://src.python.app/app.pex|src.python.app/app.pex>))") changed.
16:22:24.37 [DEBUG] Completed: pants.backend.python.goals.run_pex_binary.create_pex_binary_run_request
16:22:24.76 [DEBUG] Completed: setup_sandbox
16:22:37.42 [DEBUG] Completed: `run` goal
16:22:37.42 [DEBUG] computed 1 nodes in 78.639370 seconds. there are 12360 total nodes.
Is this normal? It’s my first time working and trying to adopt pants in our monorepo. We use bazel right now.
Hi! Is this happening every time you
./pants run
? Or just the first time for a given target?
It happens every time
Even if you make no changes at all?
E.g., if you run
./pants run /path/to/folder:binary
twice in a row with no changes?
No, if I make no changes it runs immediately
And which version of Pants is this?
OK, so I think this is because
on a
target now has the behavior of “build the full pex and then run it” so it exactly emulates doing those two things separately.
But you can also
./pants run path/to/folder/binary.py
And that, I believe, doesn’t build a full pex but runs directly from your source tree
ccing @bitter-ability-32190 to confirm
And in that case no pex rebuilding happens when only first-party sources change
It looks like maybe your 3rdparty deps are large, so pex rebuilding is taking some time?
Are you using a lockfile? That pushes the resolve to lockfile generation time, and then pex rebuilding should be a lot faster.
So two things to try: 1) Using a lockfile, if you’re not already 2) Running the file, not the target
It worked immediately thank you!
I am using lockfile too
I can pretty much guarantee the majority of the time is spent zipping the PEX. That's what I've seen. Benjy is right though, I'd just run the py file
Yes, thank you. I never thought about just running the py file. It’s old bazel habits 🙂
💯 1
If you need to run the binary, I suggest using a different layout
No worries, it's a fairly new change 🙂
Also to confirm my suspicion:
Copy code
pex: Zipping PEX file.: 53163.6ms
@breezy-window-26318 If you
./pants package
that target, how big is the resulting .pex file?
Around 500mbs
OK, so it taking some time just to zip up makes sense
It says on the tin ~50s to zip in the OP output. Have you tried
Oh by the way @breezy-window-26318 one cool thing about being able to run Python files now is you likely need very few
targets. Only for things you really want to package.
Since other people accustomed to Bazel may share these expectations, may I suggest adding more clarification to the docs about the significant perf difference between running the file vs the target?
Ah, thank you. This is great to know. I will try packed option too.