I have one more question for today. I had my proje...
# general
I have one more question for today. I had my project working with all goals and all looked nice. I then added a dependency to a library (pydantic, but I don't think it matters) and the apps still run nicely, but the linting throws an error (No name 'BaseModel' in module 'pydantic'). I don't understand why would that happen, nor what to change to make it work again. Unfortunately, thins kind of issues are what make people anxious about trying a new tool, so I'd like to be prepared when I try to sell the idea to my team.
Have you added pydantic as 3rd party dependency so that pants can use it? I am using pydantic also and it works fine with pants.
yes, and I can the app just fine. Searching the net gives that it's a problem with pylint, so I guess it's all good for Pants.
ah ok. I use flake8 and hence hasn’t seen this issue.
Pylint FWIW existed pre type hints and so parses source code to try reeeeally hard to make type inferences. Sometimes it misses the mark 🙂 but for the time it actually did a great job. Nowadays I feel like mypy and other tools cover a large area, and would love to see a type-hint aware tool fill in the rest
For reference, this fixes the issue: (in pyproject.toml)
[tool.pylint.'MESSAGES CONTROL']
extension-pkg-whitelist = "pydantic"
👍 1
Ah yeah. Hard to parse source code when there is no source code 😂
huh, thanks for the update Vlad!