Thanks to <@U0270C8HAHW> it recently came to our a...
# general
Thanks to @fresh-cat-90827 it recently came to our attention that the website's current description of the Pants Maintainer role sounds like more work than we actually intend. So @ancient-vegetable-10556 has proposed revised language. If you've ever been curious about the Maintainer role, please take a look at the proposed language and share your impressions. Does it feel like something you'd want to do in the future? That you'd feel qualified to do? Does it sound easier or harder to attain that role? Can you better see fitting it in with your job, personal life, etc? Does it leave you with unanswered questions? Please help us to communicate well about this influential role! ❤️
At the moment I think it adds a lot of clarity and makes explicit several things which were previously implicit/assumed/ad hoc
👍 1
I don't know if I would say it's "harder" or "easier" - but just clearer
Does it accurately reflect your experience/expectations/vision?
I mean, can't really reflect my "experience" - but it does clarify the expectations/vision part significantly. That's about the scope of my reading on it