We're seeing very slow docker builds with pants, a...
# general
We're seeing very slow docker builds with pants, and was wondering if we're doing something obviously bad:
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19:41:23.94 [INFO] Long running tasks:
  643.75s	Building docker image <http://amramedical.com/client-session-tagger:latest|amramedical.com/client-session-tagger:latest> +2 additional tags.
These are small services, with 4 requirements (largest being boto3). The time spent is mostly focused on building "requirements" pexes, meaning
targets in the container with only requirements included. We use a lockfile, with_tools=True and layout="packed". We use only wheels.
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#13 [source 4/4] RUN PEX_TOOLS=1 /usr/local/bin/python client-session-tagger-handler.pex venv --compile /app
#13 sha256:3dcefd9a9645feb44367da0c45b3370685d8cc30427c1a07e8d99fe9111ab559
#13 DONE 3.7s
#9 [dependencies 4/4] RUN PEX_TOOLS=1 /usr/local/bin/python client-session-tagger-requirements.pex venv     --scope=deps     --compile /app
#9 sha256:ef99e535e560ee6d3decd7805cb3c81c0d17b05123d0f2b0505b157e6efb1697
#9 DONE 637.8s
are you building the pex in the container or just copying it in?
copying, I think?
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#9 [dependencies 4/4] RUN PEX_TOOLS=1 /usr/local/bin/python client-session-tagger-requirements.pex venv     --scope=deps     --compile /app
#9 sha256:ef99e535e560ee6d3decd7805cb3c81c0d17b05123d0f2b0505b157e6efb1697
#9 DONE 637.8s
That is ridiculously slow for that step. To be justified the client-session-tagger-requirements.pex would need to be ~TB big or the docker environment handicapped with too low crgoup limits or a strange / slow FS driver.
Can you run that same step by hand on a "normal" linux box and compare times?
its a GHA runner
What parallelism do you have Pants configured to use out in GHA land? Another not super likely possibility is its set or defaulting too high and you're getting thrash; i.e. 16 cores when you really have 1.
It's the default
Ok, if you can run that step by hand (no docker involved) on some other Linux box and provide the timing I'd e grateful.
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PEX_TOOLS=1 time /usr/local/bin/python client-session-tagger-requirements.pex venv     --scope=deps --compile /app
👍 1
~600s is 2 orders of magnitude higher than expected for even very large (100s of MB) PEX files.
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./pants package cloud/deployment/client_session_tagger/handler.py
22:00:26.58 [INFO] Completed: Building 4 requirements for cloud.deployment.client_session_tagger/client-session-tagger-requirements.pex from the pants-lockfile.txt resolve: awslambdaric==2.0.1, boto3-stubs[batch,codeartifact,codeb..
. (147 characters truncated)
22:00:26.58 [ERROR] 1 Exception encountered:

  Exception: Error opening file /home/tobias/projects/profiler/dist/cloud.deployment.client_session_tagger/client-session-tagger-handler.pex/.bootstrap for writing: Os { code: 20, kind: NotADirectory, message: "Not a directory" }
Sorry, sidetrack, that's not the target (although that error is strange?)
That error is a bit strange. What are the options on the
target owning
? It looks like you must be using
layout="packed", granted I haven't done any indepth analysis, just followed the blog post on pex + docker w.r.t pex_binary configuration
I can def say I can reproduce outside of docker btw, it's still running 3 minutes later!
In a packed layout `/.bootstrap`is a zip file and not a directory. So this feels like you exported once with layout packed and then again with layout loose (where `/.bootstrap/`is a directory and not a zip).
python  venv --scope=deps --compile ~/test-app  230.44s user 0.40s system 99% cpu 3:50.89 total
OK. A few more questions: + Why packed - just the blog post or were you forced to do this because your dependencies are too large and a normal PEX is just too big? + How big is the packed PEX / can you run a
du -sh dist/cloud.deployment.client_session_tagger/client-session-tagger-handler.pex/
Actually - The Spanish Inquisition! - question 3: + Can you re-run with
in the environment and provide the full output? That will provide sub-step timings.
👍 1
Just the blog post.
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du -sh dist/cloud.deployment.client_session_tagger/client-session-tagger-requirements.pex/
12M     dist/cloud.deployment.client_session_tagger/client-session-tagger-requirements.pex/
Can you also try a timing without the
? That will be a good comparison.
With layout packed, verbosity=9
omitting layout doesn't seem to have an effect
Ok. One last thing and I think I can locally repro and dig - can you provide the
file from the root of that packed PEX directory? That should give me enough to repro.
The mypy-boto3 ~500 optional dependcies things seems like it must be triggering some yet un-noticed quadratic behavior analyzing deps.
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{"bootstrap_hash": "7ed7efd7da2fe43a9694a92b6cc32d60dfaba9c0", "build_properties": {"pex_version": "2.1.102"}, "code_hash": "0e2152a488f400afe95682d5bf5c183d2ac7d092", "distributions": {"awslambdaric-2.0.1-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17
_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl": "c050437bbbf68fc7f3c1062e0dae4cb42e2d509e1e1266f4a4ae9e2e5081e348", "boto3-1.24.51-py3-none-any.whl": "df2977f2c1a74c1290a1b88847e017f6985e43eee065b4efaa37db7e116f1998", "boto3_stubs-1.24.78-py3-no
ne-any.whl": "43b32c328d8a8a0c14cd6492d5b724fc7a43f931c0b83947381f05000915db0d", "botocore-1.27.51-py3-none-any.whl": "e0d72c329fdfe2a26f86449b19232171f3d7cef1edc78b261c76f906708a107b", "botocore_stubs-1.24.10.post1-py3-none-any.whl
": "77020820fbb2c44343532b6fa1f8b69302a6ce5fa68e3b32b5f93a6301c5b626", "injector-0.20.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl": "08cb9e4669f29b6cbcae9bc287f3be1277471427fbcdfe18001d9e46241be42a", "jmespath-0.10.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl": "3243b80351ae
e183daf14f678676f1296ef5c6817aa397bf829fa3d4c9abe6a8", "mypy_boto3_batch-1.24.36.post1-py3-none-any.whl": "2dabc6ab8581f8beff18db77dc67de1decca97c6143b061929525df7f20ec0cd", "mypy_boto3_codeartifact-1.24.36.post1-py3-none-any.whl":
"3e38e80728bfef7699010cd50d495336c8b43dbfa095de26d95431a582798c0a", "mypy_boto3_codebuild-1.24.36.post1-py3-none-any.whl": "2427bc3f7d64328e77795969113f72edf99529d5f24fffde9bbaa9eadcfb84a1", "mypy_boto3_codepipeline-1.24.36.post1-py
3-none-any.whl": "d57161a323a939856d0a1502ae2c0d5fabb40225ec2fc4f711ddee7df05b11c0", "mypy_boto3_cognito_idp-1.24.66-py3-none-any.whl": "cc3fd035763d101c8a314cbc4e601ebc4da2d6656af878171651d1ed7a6cf026", "mypy_boto3_dynamodb-1.24.74
-py3-none-any.whl": "3d8dfbb285ca8ae94bced6ca19755ecda50336ba1d1f2403f85af2f79610764a", "mypy_boto3_kms-1.24.36.post1-py3-none-any.whl": "037c47ea0105053f69f512f8cac6b5186930711b1371e9c6eca558fcdc147fe4", "mypy_boto3_logs-1.24.36.po
st1-py3-none-any.whl": "405f14bf922e6ebb0a1c6687eb5cf0ca5f8a97b71c33c9b989a14fc6383987af", "mypy_boto3_ram-1.24.36.post1-py3-none-any.whl": "ad79d703b8296cbf5a58e1a1d28db00b41fee3b189782712d4e73cf28d46741e", "mypy_boto3_rds-1.24.61-
py3-none-any.whl": "e1225b2447ca2767a06391ce100c15eb1f7ab17a6ac985e5010517afd245d8b5", "mypy_boto3_route53-1.24.69-py3-none-any.whl": "5faffd4824fc5a60ee9d3be8f9d431f182f1f7c6e1e388502fb82dd25ac1c4c0", "mypy_boto3_s3-1.24.76-py3-non
e-any.whl": "3195a19a905ab2a1e1b3b3a0bf41454647b3d89a6f24e9904d8786faf3336850", "mypy_boto3_secretsmanager-1.24.0-py3-none-any.whl": "ad6620757442061f1b769067bb30c9ba8dda52a476fdc53207f173f8fa91c9c2", "mypy_boto3_ssm-1.24.69-py3-non
e-any.whl": "afbcd8bfee68be6650897eddd3b0da0ee6a3702ce2702b741969ce0e0eaa6476", "mypy_boto3_stepfunctions-1.24.36.post1-py3-none-any.whl": "8a33cbc633796114d09de1f5d71af0bb663e908aea8cf4dd4ae668916571d4be", "mypy_boto3_sts-1.24.36.p
ost1-py3-none-any.whl": "4349d4591c6527395597f25aef3fdca22269f110cbf180599b3d3a6b524eb6b2", "python_dateutil-2.8.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl": "76bf9515aceadeed0873f05d0223e3b554cf7e1452461b1f62fd87599ea28a38", "s3transfer-0.6.0-py3-none
-any.whl": "be056641510d7effc911aad62944b4daf8b26281d992a395feb7e1046ed023b3", "simplejson-3.17.2-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl": "e639773066ad14cef73d27b6f27a964b0e4fc4b1f35aab1e204286383c00cb11", "six-1.16.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl":
"3e1c439c88d2e7681372427bab751b3fc99969891e95a714fed9604bf7710213", "types_s3transfer-0.6.0.post4-py3-none-any.whl": "93ca02d6d6614915f2dd5d0e0eeca467f0f9548cbc8ecc2c1621d7bc275168b3", "typing_extensions-4.1.1-py3-none-any.whl": "f3
3d3f74e8b0ba573b34679fa134a041545eefbb6302ba5a7bead438c67ab2da", "urllib3-1.26.8-py2.py3-none-any.whl": "4d91ca5966ab5eca04245708da5fb86b4afd54c2d6a7977cc34da7f08828770b"}, "emit_warnings": false, "entry_point": "<http://cloud.deployment.cl|cloud.deployment.cl>
ient_session_tagger.handler", "ignore_errors": false, "includes_tools": true, "inherit_path": "false", "interpreter_constraints": [], "pex_hash": "bc3d7c41725c1413b7e65b5b1de2e49147edc5e2", "pex_path": null, "requirements": ["awslam
bdaric==2.0.1", "boto3-stubs[batch,codeartifact,codebuild,codepipeline,cognito-idp,dynamodb,kms,logs,ram,rds,route53,s3,secretsmanager,ssm,stepfunctions,sts]==1.24.78", "boto3==1.24.51", "injector==0.20.1"], "strip_pex_env": true, "
venv": false, "venv_bin_path": "false", "venv_copies": false, "venv_site_packages_copies": false}%
Thank you! I'll need a bit here to come up with a repro and pinpoint the slowness, but I'll report back with - I suspect - a Pex issue link.
👍 1
Is there some way I can just tell pants to not pack these in the pex_binaries? I mean, they're just stubs, by definition we can live without them at runtime 🙂
transitive excludes?
Perhaps, yeah. That could tide you over until a bug fix in Pex is forthcoming.
✔️ 1
I have reproed by the way, the issue is in fact some sort of quadratic behavior analysing dependencies due to `boto3-stubs[batch,codeartifact,codebuild,codepipeline,cognito-idp,dynamodb,kms,logs,ram,rds,route53,s3,secretsmanager,ssm,stepfunctions,sts]==1.24.78`changing that to
yields a zip of the same size but the analysis drops from ~70s on my machine to ~300ms.
I dont think
yields the same stubs that the lhs expression does
Ah, you didn't mean that either, sorry, it's late
Right. I mean this: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pex/blob/ecf9b95544c53970628e982b7132a345bbc931cd/pex/environment.py#L195-L208 That code, in your case, takes in 16 extras which leads to a powerset size of 65k - that alone is not enough to explain this, but I think it's at the core.
✔️ 1
This actually turned out to just be an expensive hash code calculation on an already immutable object. Caching the hash drops 70s to 700ms and there is the 2 orders of magnitude from earlier in the day ~exactly.
🙌 2
A few technical difficulties slowed this down but I now have a working branch. I'll get out a Pex fix tomorrow: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pex/issues/1928
Alright Pex 2.1.108 is released with the fix and the Pants upgrade is here: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/17112 That will be in the 2.15.x series @worried-painter-31382. Presumably you're on older / more stable Pants. I'll arrange a cherry-pick to 2.14.x but speak up if you're not on 2.14.x or not in a position to upgrade to it to get the fix. You can change your installations Pex version by setting some options in this subsystem that I can explain more if needed: https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/reference-pex-cli
Actually, this is also getting picked to 2.13.x.
Awesome. Yea we're on "stable" for compliance reasons, but configuring subsystems I am familiar with, we run pants "offline" :)