:thread:I'm also wondering if there's any plans fo...
# general
🧵I'm also wondering if there's any plans for IDE integrations. Right now I see a seemingly abandoned intellij plugin for pants v1, and nothing else really. Again, with the focus on a good developer experience. I'm just concerned that this will be a bit of a stumbling block given the several partial and manual steps needed to setup an environment.
👀 1
In terms of IDE integration, what did you have in mind?
Just a few thoughts: • automatic/guided venv setup • src root configuration • on-save linting/formating integration • build file syntax and autocompletion
The venv setup is a python-dependent workflow, but the rest make sense. https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=robotpajamas.vscode-suspenders is something I was toying around with as a proof of concept, mostly related to project introspection. Not quite an IDE, but for: "on-save linting/formating integration" - have you seen
? https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/goals#running-goals "build file syntax and autocompletion" - this is something that @bitter-ability-32190 had been messing around with too
Yeah turbo backlogged, but got a kickass PoC going a little ways back
There is IntelliJ integration for JVM, using BSP, I think it wouldn’t be too hard to extend to PyCharm for Python.
And VSCode integration is one of our most requested features, and definitely something we want to get to ASAP
But yeah, at the moment it’s less than ideal