What is the good way to structure a python monorep...
# general
What is the good way to structure a python monorepo so that mypy works well with test code? How should the roots be setup? How should the test utils be configured? The examples I found are for apps without tests, and I have issues with all variants that I tried. For example, if "tests" is not a package, mypy wants unique names of the files across all applications. If it is a package, then there are import problems. This is the structure I have
Copy code
├── demo_app
│   ├── BUILD
│   ├── pyproject.toml
│   ├── src
│   │   └── demo_app
│   │       ├── BUILD
│   │       ├── __init__.py
│   │       ├── main.py
│   │       └── model.py
│   └── tests
│           ├── BUILD
│           ├── test_demo_app_main.py
│           └── util.py
and the roots are
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I guess the question is related to @wide-midnight-78598’s one about more complete examples of how to setup a more complicated repo. While it's interesting to get through the process of figuring it out oneself, it is a lot of wasted time if everyone has to do that, and it might scare off newcomers.
👍 1
What are the import errors you see?
It's a bit difficult to show everything here, I'll try to put together a demo repo
@cold-vr-15232 If you can show the import errors from
- as I mentioned in another thread, like 90-95% of my mypy problems were solved with init.py's or using namespace packages. Not suggesting blindly that will work here, but it's been my Pants mypy go-to
While it's interesting to get through the process of figuring it out oneself, it is a lot of wasted time if everyone has to do that, and it might scare off newcomers
I agree with this sentiment - personally, I want to figure out how to solve these kinda things so that when they inevitably crop up again, I know where to start. But, if it's something that only crops up once every few months, then 🤷 The other side is - as interesting as it may be, fiddling with a build system isn't revenue-generating...
FWIW the pants repo and our work repo use test files next to prod code ( E.g.
next to
) and we don't have any issues
I use both - unit tests are placed alongside code, integration/e2e code is separated
Ok, I think I figured it out. The problem was that either mypy or pytest could not find files or found conflicting files. And I got it fixed by using different package names under src and tests, for example "src/app1" and "tests/app1_test". Not the prettiest, but works now. I haven't tried having the test code in the same place. I suppose pants recognizes that and doesn't package test file in the binary? How would you handle test utilities?
Pants'dependency graph is precise. Unless you're importing test code, it'll never be packaged. Try it out!
./pants dependencies <target or file>
Then maybe I will switch to using tests alongside code too. Even integration tests could live under src, I suppose. Thanks! (A downside is that the whole project is now dependent on pants 🙂 )
😈 2
(and I think
and other tools) will happily run against tests next to code. That's how I've been running everything in the pre-pants years.
But, maybe some tools will need to be globbed away or something... hmm
I suppose pants recognizes that and doesn't package test file in the binary
I think I missed this - in your
, if you have
- you're fine. As Josh mentioned, unless you actively import test code (either in your
files or your
field in BUILD), it won't/shouldn't be packaged