```Exception: Failed to read link "/Users/davidnin...
# general
Copy code
Exception: Failed to read link "/Users/davidnino/Develop/workera-dev-workspace/src/backend/Users/davidnino/venvs/c3venv/bin/python": Absolute symlink: "/Users/davidnino/Develop/workera-dev-workspace/src/backend/Users/davidnino/venvs/c3venv/bin/python"
this sort of thing usually happens to me if I create a new virtualenv when I’m already inside of a venv
you end up with one symlink pointing to another symlink pointing to a “real” python installation
and the double-link confuses a bunch of tooling
unfortunately all I can recommend is blowing away all your venvs and starting over - that’s what I usually do when it happens to me 😬
though - at least for pants, you shouldn’t “need” a virtualenv set up. all of that is managed internally by pants itself. (unless you’re using the virtualenv setup to install the right version of python for the pants bootstrap process)
Thank you for your answe! However if I run pants without venvs I get the same error 😕
Is that still normal?
hmmm no, not expected
my guess in that case would be that your
are somehow corrupted in your shell session
if you start a fresh shell, does it still happen?
It does 😕
can you try deleting
might be a broken link in there
is an odd double-length path… assuming that it is located inside of your repository, can delete the entire
alternatively, if you have committed your changes, you can run
git clean -fdx
to clean up uncommitted files… just make sure that you have committed your changes first.
@sparse-lifeguard-95737 it did restart the whole process showing but it gave the same result at the end 😕
🤯 1
@witty-crayon-22786 I checked in my project and I don’t have that folder
does not exist
My bad it did exist! I found it and it seems it’s running
Thank you!!