`pex_binary()` takes a `platforms` argument, `pyth...
# general
takes a
does not. Is there a reason for this? 🤔
Because this is determined by the
field, once you select that you have no more degrees of freedom wrt platforms
âž• 1
A pex can be multiplatform, a lambda cannot, in other words
If that was correct, then running
./pants package
in different environments would yield identical zip files, no? But that's not the case.
We now resorted to running
./pants package
in Docker containers using the AWS Lambda base image to get a Lambda.zip that works on AWS.
If that was correct, then running ./pants package in different environments would yield identical zip files, no?
hm it should be with
...we set the
argument which tells Pex to build for just that platform, even if it's foreign to the localhost. You're seeing different behavior it sounds like?
Well, the issue with building lambdas on remote platforms is the availability of wheels
if you try to build a lambda on macos, and there is some native code that doesn’t have a wheel anywhere in your transitive deps, then it should fail because you can’t build that native code for the target platform
but if all wheels are available, then
./pants package
should build functionally identical lambdas on macos as on linux
What differences are you seeing?