okay, so i’m using vscode for pants plugin develop...
# general
okay, so i’m using vscode for pants plugin development .. and was wondering if anyone has some tips on language server/ide setup? — i think i got most of stuff working, but if im in a module where i have not yet imported
— i’m not being able to auto import and manage the imports for it … — while if i reference symbols from my local plugin it works just fine — when i do import by hand, vscode knows where the source can be found and i can jump directly into definitions … anyway to make that include detection smarter?
it looks like
is the default chosen language server
and once i add the import manually — it finds it just fine
One odd thing I've noticed is that sometimes vscode's autocomplete (
ctrl + space
for me) won't find it, but quick fix will (
cmd + .
) I think creating a venv with the pants plugin from pypi helps with the autocomplete
Note: In the example above, I'm in the pants main repo.
(Is this in Pants repo, or in your own repo?)
my own repo
It's possible. DO you have the pants req as a separate resolve for your plugins?
where i’ve run
./pants export ::
and setup
If you exported and pointed the editor to the virtualenv for the pants-plugin resolve it should find everything
i have not set it up so intentionally
Hmm, does the
./pants export ::
also export the pants-plugin? I would assume it does, but 🤷
@wide-midnight-78598 yup.
should match some plugin code, and then export will export a ve for the resolve
maybe the lang server needs a restart? 🤷
Ahh, multiple resolves ...
should have python. Fire that up and try
import pants
i’ll try that tomorrow and report back 👍
I ought to try it locally too. I'm tired of no autocomplete
Also supposedly you can use different envs if you use VS code's multi-project-support.
👍 1
okay, i’m not sure exactly what i did — but tried setting a few python interpreters, and now it’s only made it worse 😂 if i just run python from the virtualenv i can
import pants
just fine … if i try through the terminal in vscode, it seems like it’s really wanting to use an old python installed via
.. even though i set the interpreter specifically through the command palette
points to the same python that is part of the venv exported by pants … 😕
Are you sure it's the right python? I get something like "3.8.10 ('3.8.10': venv)" when pointing to an interpreter in the venv
i’m on an M1 mac which i believe requires python 3.9 i also have
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interpreter_constraints = ["CPython==3.9.*"]
for that reason
Yes, I don't mean the exact version, but that vscode mentions that is running the interpreter from a venv. For you it looks like it is the system one. Did you pick the binary from dist/export/python/venvs/... ?
yep, but that binary points back to what i have installed through homebrew — which i find a bit odd
trying to trash my setup completely and reinstall everything vscode/python related …
okay, so — pants bootstrapped successfully, but now i get …
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❯ ./pants export ::
11:07:50.70 [ERROR] 1 Exception encountered:

  ProcessExecutionFailure: Process 'Searching for `bash` on PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin' failed with exit code -9.


Use `--keep-sandboxes=on_failure` to preserve the process chroot for inspection.
sheeeeesh! ran the same command with the keep sandboxes on, and then it succeeded bowtie
anyways … continue on;
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❯ readlink -f dist/export/python/virtualenv/3.9.15/bin/python
below works, no error:
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❯ ./dist/export/python/virtualenv/3.9.15/bin/python -c "import pants"
vscode can’t still find
modules …. 🤯
i also tried giving it the paths directly by setting
… no dice.
So you mean that when you choose the interpreter (at dist/export/...), then vscode still uses the system one? It should detect that it's a link from a venv directory, and use that.
well, it links to the homebrew installed one — that is,
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is a symlink directly to the python installed via homebrew
okay — i bootstrapped pants with a python installed via
and after reinstalling vscode, and playing with a bunch of settings trying to add paths manually and all sorts of other “try turning it on and off again” i finally got it to work … and i think once it became happy i didn’t need any of the custom settings anymore and it “just works” ™ now … …. sigh, somedays are just ….
wooo, i think i got it to work …
i don’t know if this depth is too much, but whatever
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            "name": "pants",
            "depth": 10,
            "includeAllSymbols": true,
this config in
seems to have done the trick …
This was a wild ride. Are you using stock VSCode or Insiders? I find Insiders to periodically be a bit janky, but not really like this. Without any VSCode modification other than using python/pylance extensions (empty
folder too), this process just worked for me (taking
out of the picture for now).
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# From my repo root

# After running this, VSCode sees there is a new .venv and asks me to use it in the workspace, to which I say yes
python3.9 -m venv .venv

source .venv/bin/activate

# First set of squiggles goes away within 1-2 seconds of this install completing
pip install pantsbuild.pants

# Remaining squiggle disappears after this installs
pip install pantsbuild.pants.testutil
It looks like this didn't play out correctly for you. So, I guess this leaves me wondering if this is a weird one-off, if it's something about the M1 environment, or it's related to
./pants export ::
, or all of the above...
And for my sanity, just confirmed after
./pants export ::
- when I set the VSCode interpreter path to:
that auto-complete works and my squiggs disappear.
and is python there a symlink to something elsewhere on your system?
Yes, to my home brew install I believe
Actually, literally the only place to symlink it for that version