is anyone using a workflow engine/language on top ...
# general
is anyone using a workflow engine/language on top of pants for complicated jobs? — in the context of github action workflows, pants seems to be natural for running individual actions — but not for “orchestrating” workflows — am i missing something?
I’ve been looking at tekton for this, but nothing in use yet:
yeah — hope would be for something that also runs naturally on a local system without necessarily involving a kubernetes cluster … ph well, enough projects to choose from — just wanted to see if anyone was somehow clever with pants to do this
intriguing idea.. to model a workflow engine on top of the pants engine.. 🤔 💡
the primary thing i’m missing is modeling steps with inputs/outputs — which could be “instances” — with specific parameters for each individual target/goal referenced in your “workflow” but you seem to already be inspired and cooking, so interested in your take for sure 🍿
i am considering giving a spin — but it just feels like you’re taking something that should be fairly simple — and throwing a juggernaut at it — but, it might just work — maybe it just is complex? 😁
We are actually looking at similar stuff to this, e.g., on top of
, where steps can be run (concurrently where possible) either on the local system, or in a docker container on the local system, or in a remote docker container
A lot of the recent Environments work is a step in this direction
@freezing-lamp-12123 Can you provide a few more details on your use-case?
yes, i can — this is all in the context of producing configuration for a big matrix of environments so we have some steps, to first generate “shared” configuration for a given environment, for a specific version — so we only want to generate that one time for each environment then we want to use this shared/generic environment configuration to pass as input to generate specific instances of a configuration of which there could be ~50 - 100 of for a given environment then we want to run validation on top of all the generated “artifacts” — so it’s a lot of passing inputs and getting outputs to individual targets
I've been scripting stuff using using Python invoke. Also separately if it's suitable via
Interesting, so I’m wondering about the combo of
and parametrization for this?
What are the initial inputs and the final outputs of the whole workflow?
Or, I suppose what I’m asking is, what acts on all those configurations once they’re created and validated?
cc @ancient-vegetable-10556 for another potential use-case for