Thoughts on adding Git integration to introspectio...
# general
Thoughts on adding Git integration to introspection goals like
? Might be a bit scope creepy but very useful for CI + there's already subsystem logic for Git. One use case I have in mind is raising a CI lint error if a Docker image target changes but its version number hasn't changed.
Can you give an example? Not sure I understand what this would do beyond what
The actual use case here is to figure out what the tag change was between two revisions for a single target. Simplest approach would be similar to
gsw master && ./pants peek
+ some scripting.
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main_tag=$(./pants peek --git-ref=main :tgt | jq ..)
head_tag=$(./pants peek :tgt | jq ..)
I could imagine something more advanced than that to reflect on changes discovered in
. But much less trivial.
So pants would change the state of the repo via git commands, at least temporarily? That would be a bold step…
🤔 1
I don't mean actually changing the git state. It's just how you could accomplish the same right now. That's what I hope to avoid.
So it would read file content from git instead of from the filesystem, something like that?
Yep. I assumed it would be more straightforward than
Hmm, I don’t know how straightforward that would be? How would you know which git state to look at?
Well I mean I assume
has all the same technical challenges and more? It has to read the merge base git ref and then compute some logical diff between that and the worktree
./pants peek --git-ref=main
would be the same thing minus the logical diff. Unless I'm way off about how
only looks at which paths have changed, but not their content.
🤯 1
Not their previous content, I mean
Doing “peek at some gitref” correctly would require checking the entire repo out at that gitref
Maybe in a tmpdir, so we don’t pull the rug out from under Pants at its current state
So it’s more involved, and is ~equivalent to doing “git reset --hard <gitref> && ./pants peek”
Unless there’s something I’m not seeing
only looks at which paths have changed, but not their content.
I'm a bit confused here. Are you saying it doesn't even look at the contents of BUILD files?
Because for example I have a simple git repo with pants installed and the following history
Copy code
commit f070e507e8b4bb2d4f44549d00be9f5936d1bd50
Author: Navneeth Jayendran <>
Date:   Wed Nov 16 19:04:40 2022 -0800

    Update message

diff --git a/ b/
index 716ed14..dd880bc 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
 # Hello world
+Add some more content

commit 2d244ca0497b53065235b6f3efa0a9410a3de3e8
Author: Navneeth Jayendran <>
Date:   Wed Nov 16 19:04:23 2022 -0800

    Initial commit

diff --git a/BUILD.pants b/BUILD.pants
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2666440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BUILD.pants
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+    name="README",
+    source=""
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..716ed14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# Hello world
diff --git a/pants.toml b/pants.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d269d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pants.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+pants_version = "2.14.0"
If I run
./pants list --changed-since HEAD~
, it shows that
changes. The only change since previous commit was to modify README file contents
Yes, because Pants sees that the BUILD file has changed, so it invalidates it, but it doesn’t diff against the previous content. For example, if you add a space to an existing BUILD file, all the targets in it will be invalidated.
👀 1
behaves as if you had hand-edited all the files that have changed since the gitref
When you hand-edit a file Pants has no way of knowing what they previously held
Generally speaking Pants is agnostic to git state, except for
Ah... that's not what I expected 😢 . I thought it was something like
Aha, so they do what Benjy suggests as well, checking out the entire project in some tmp location to extract relevant information..
works as follows
• The previous revision is checked out, then we run
. This gives us the hashmap representation for the entire Bazel graph, then we write this JSON to a file.
• Next we checkout the initial revision, then we run
and write that JSON to a file. Now we have our final hashmap representation for the Bazel graph.
• We run
on the starting and final JSON hash filepaths to get our impacted set of targets. This impacted set of targets is written to a file.