At my company we use Gitlab CI that's backed by a ...
# general
At my company we use Gitlab CI that's backed by a kubernetes cluster. I believe
docker build
wont be able to build in this environment (we use kaniko). Doe pants have a way of building stuff without docker build or is it just incompatible with kubernetes? If it's the latter, is there a plan to be able to build on kubernetes and if so how close is that to fruition?
Does not currently work. There are a couple issues on this topic, but none with progress that I’m aware of.
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There was a docker less docker build in pants v1 I'm told
That's also how Bazel does it. So I wouldn't be surprised if that crops up in a year or so for pants
I've got a very early backend for OCI images here: It's only covering my own use-cases so far, which is one pex or binary -> OCI image -> kubernetes. Focus is on reproducible builds and stable SHAs. It should work OOTB for rootless (and obviously docker-less) builds. It's of course a big change in how you work if you're Dockerfile-based - but it's there if you want to try it.
CC @dry-analyst-73584 as well ☝️
Yeah, I wrote a series of tasks for pants V1 to build OCI images directly without the use of docker. I’ve been thinking about porting it to V2. It starts with defining a base docker image in your BUILD file, and then pants builds one layer per pants task/rule.
As Tom did - I was focused on reproducibility and stable sha’s for caching.
Why not depend on one of the existing tools like Buildah or Kaniko or etc. instead of rolling your own?
I can't speak for Tansy's implementation, but mine is a wrapper around Umoci 🙂
FWIW choosing umoci was purely based on it having available static binaries. Buildah doesn't. Podman has some but it's inconsistent. (Kaniko seems to have the same issue.)
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I wrote mine in… 2017? And I was unaware of any alternative tooling at the time