Hello. I'm using the publish goal to push Docker i...
# general
Hello. I'm using the publish goal to push Docker images to ECR. I noticed that pants push them sequentially, one by one. Is it something that can be parallelized or it's a limitation on Docker side?
It’s perhaps a limitation in the combination of the two. Pants runs publish commands as interactive, i.e. as a forground process and as such is limited to one at a time. Docker in turn only allows to push a single image per invocation. Pls correct me if I’m wrong in this (regarding Docker push), as I do think that I did push multiple images at once at some point.. but maybe they removed that feature?
It’s a foreground process because only those are allowed to side-effect, but this is an interesting use-case
What kind of side effects are we talking about? As a comparison, the
target builds the images in parallel.
publishing is the ultimate side-effect… it changes state on a server! But I think this is a legitimate use-case for a side-effecting rule that can run concurrently. I think we can model this with an uncacheable regular rule instead of an interactive process though
I see. I'm not sure I follow but that's fine 🙂 Should I create a GH issue for my use case?
That would be great, thanks!