Hey :wave: One thing I've come up against today wh...
# general
Hey đź‘‹ One thing I've come up against today when investigating đź‘– is having to do:
in a
target, so that all
files in subdirectories are picked up. I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong 🙂 More context in 🧵
We're planning to have a
directory to house shared code among projects in the repo. It would look something like this:
Copy code
├── __init__.py
└── log
    ├── __init__.py
    └── logger_factory.py
With packages for logging, cryptography, etc. housed under
And I wanted to check to see if there's anything significant behind the default value for
looking only in the directory housing the
Or if it's just a sane default 🙂 Thanks
The idea behind the "same directory as the BUILD file" is that using
(or in general), Pants defaults to 1 BUILD file per directory. So, there is no default recursive glob. Personally, I use 1 BUILD file per "library" so I do something similar to what you're doing
Bit of a chain there
Yeah the TLDR is we want to move to a world with even fewer BUILD files, but there's some issues to smooth out first
Nothing's stopping you from big globbing, just certain things get a bit more verbose
Aside: I thought we had same project structures in the docs - but I can't find them, so maybe I was imagining that
Thanks for the help. There's a few example structures linked, but none of them had sub directories.
You can wrap that up in a macro btw
So you can have a custom
, say, that under the hood expands to
To save some boilerplate
That's helpful đź‘Ť
Yeah, the fact that it doesn’t recurse is a “sensible default” for a world where you have a BUILD file in every dir.
And that is potentially desirable because when you want to tweak the metadata for a specific package you then have to start splitting targets and excluding lower down files from the higher up targets and so on
But the future we hope to move towards is that BUILD file metadata is accumulated up the filesystem hierarchy. Then you could have a handful of recursive-globbing BUILD files to start with, and as you need to add specific metadata you do so locally without having to exclude those files from the higher up targets, because the “overlap” doesn’t introduce ambiguity.
@happy-kitchen-89482 This feels like a question we answer a lot (111), recurse, project structure, etc May be worth elevating placement in the docs
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BTW, if you have tests alongside your code then
might be too naive, as it will capture test-related code. The full default value is here: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/blob/24e5435cd7840d28520a6aa205375315c0dd8191/src/python/pants/backend/python/target_types.py#L1057
And jumps through hoops to exclude test and test util files
Maybe it's a naive suggestion, but could one instead add a "recursive=true" argument to python_sources() and python_tests() so that the default patter is kept, but subdirectories are traversed?
I’m not sure how well that would work with the machinery, might be easier to just provide a recursive version (like
You can wrap that up in a macro btw
So you can have a custom
, say, that under the hood expands to
There’s also
if you prefer to keep using the standard target names (disregard if it’s becoming too much information at once):
Copy code
__defaults__({python_sources: {"sources": ["**/*.py"]}})
I think I like the macro or defaults approach better, as I think adding a recursive
would then lead to something like that per backend, which feels like it would really bloat the number of targets, for a small number of BUILD files and I say this as a recursive targets kinda person
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if we’d like to go the recursive options route, I think it would make more sense to implement it for the sources field directly so it would work the same for any source target. But, that feels quirky any way….