Here's a question I never thought about too much -...
# general
Here's a question I never thought about too much - does Pex work on Windows?
Not yet, but John has been looking into it. There's been updates
👍 What about in WSL2? I would assume it "should" work there?
I suspect so, but don't quote me
I think there are subtle issues with it, but don’t quote me either 😛
It works in WSL2 (so does Pants!)
@enough-analyst-54434 has been working on getting pex to work on Windows
Yeah, Pex works on Windows in a branch save for ~50 unit tests. All the ITs now pass. Python 3.8+
And I hack on Pex currently mainly in Windows and WSL2, flipping back and forth.
The thing about WSL is its a pretty horrible experience unless you stay isolated to WSL. The file sharing back to WIndows is over plan9 fs and its super laggy.
All the ITs now pass. Python 3.8+
Oooh, dope!
The file sharing back to WIndows is over plan9 fs and its super laggy
I recall this in another slack thread with the pants daemon being off as somehow the workaround.
This is just Pex hacking, no Pants in sight. Things are super slow if you work across
Yep, thats' cool - I just found out that some of the devs I'm working with are using Windows machines sometimes, so trying to see if I can bundle a pex for them (someday)
What’s the latest on having Windows support? I think this may be the problem I’m facing 🙂
Copy code
build (3.9, windows-latest)
failed Jan 5, 2023 in 27s
Run pantsbuild/actions/init-pants@main
Run actions/setup-python@v4
Installed versions
Run if ! grep 'PANTS_BOOTSTRAP_TOOLS' ./pants > /dev/null; then
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 4, in <module>
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/tmp.ItiVb2qQjM'
Run actions/cache@v3
Cache not found for input keys: pants-setup-os_name=MINGW64_NT-10.0-20348 arch=x86_64 python_path=/c/hostedtoolcache/windows/Python/3.9.13/x64/python3 python_executable_path=C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.9.13\x64\python.exe python_version=Python 3.9.13 pex_version=2.1.103 virtualenv_requirements_sha256= pants_version=2.14.0
Run actions/cache@v3
Cache not found for input keys: pants-named-caches-Windows-cache0-py3.9-b07bcbf1c6494027f83bfe32d7d8d9b5ebfbeb80c1f50ceb8d3e670af0f78c53-, pants-named-caches-Windows-cache0-py3.9-b07bcbf1c6494027f83bfe32d7d8d9b5ebfbeb80c1f50ceb8d3e670af0f78c53-, pants-named-caches-Windows-cache0-py3.9-
Run if [ "${PANTS_CONFIG_FILES}" == "DEFAULT" ]; then
NOT setting PANTS_CONFIG_FILES by default
because does not exist.
Run ./pants --version
Bootstrapping Pants using /c/hostedtoolcache/windows/Python/3.9.13/x64/python3
Creating the virtualenv PEX.
Downloading the Pex PEX.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 4, in <module>
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/c/Users/runneradmin/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-MINGW64_NT-10.0-20348-x86_64/pants.7tMo0u/pex'
SHA256 of <> is not as expected. Aborting.
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
We're working on pex support for Windows, it's a work-in-progress, but there has been a lot of progress
🙌 1
PEX support for Windows doesn't mean Pants support for Windows. IIUC no one is looking at Pants own Windows issues yet seriously; so Pants support should be considered far out. You'll need to use WSL and only use clones in WSL, no /mnt/c !
Aha.. @enough-analyst-54434 thanks for the clarification 🙂