Hey folks, I have a use case in Python that I susp...
# general
Hey folks, I have a use case in Python that I suspect isn't terribly special, and I wonder if folks could point me in the right direction. I have a codebase with a large library, and a handful of applications that use the library. The final distribution target is a container image, and I'm hoping to build the application itself as a Pex. When we ship the final build, the modules in the library are cythonized to shared library files. We do this today via setuptools
, and implement our own cache so that we only rebuild modules that have changed. I can define a distribution target for the library in Pants that triggers the
routine, but in this case our cache doesn't work. And when building the Pex, I'd like to bring along just those shared library files that are required and not the whole boatload. It seems like what I want is to be able to define a target for each eventual shared library file, with dependencies looking something like:
Copy code
pex -> application code -> .so file -> .py source
Before I dive too deep into the plugin framework, any pointers or feedback? If I were to go the route of writing a plugin, any words of advice for how to think about this?
welcome! 🙂 Let's brainstorm!
I can define a distribution target for the library in Pants that triggers the build_ext routine, but in this case our cache doesn't work.
Right, so you are thinking of
target either with an existing
or a generated one. You say the cache doesn't work because when building a Python wheel, Pants will re-compile all your sources (using the
tooling), am I understanding it right?
And when building the Pex, I'd like to bring along just those shared library files that are required and not the whole boatload.
So the PEX files are not related to the
target (your Python wheel), are they? The
target would only understand the Python sources, whereas you want to tell what
files to stuff into the
file from the
directory produced when Python wheel was generated?
Hey! I’m thinking this should be a discussion on GitHub? https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/discussions/new ?
Slack is ephemeral, and it would be great to have this content persist
Thanks for the replies! I'll start a thread over there and post a link here
@happy-kitchen-89482 Doesn't this relate to that modification you made some months ago, allowing customization of the setup.py on the fly?
I don’t recall allowing customization of a generated setup.py on the fly (DYM https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/12487?) but I’m not sure this would relate either way. I think to get the full benefit of invalidation and caching we’d want to model this outside of setup.py
👍 1
Yeah, I should clarify that use of setup.py here is incidental; we just happen to be doing it that way now
I think to get the full benefit of invalidation and caching
Couldn't we still cache the output after setup.py? Either way, would love to see an official cython or mypyc solution. I feel like so much perf is left on the table otherwise.
Let’s discuss on the discussion 🙂