I'm trying to come up with a good way to manage lo...
# general
I'm trying to come up with a good way to manage local environment variables. I asked a question a couple days ago about using a
file, but hardcoding the file into a
file doesn't work well since
isn't tracked in version control, so CI tests throw warnings. I'm wondering whether a better approach is a plugin that explicitly loads the
variables as environment variables for the test, then run that plugin as a command line argument to test? That way I could run it locally, but not include it in CI. Two things I'm wondering about: 1. would this approach work? I know tests are "hermetic", so would building a plugin that loads the variables work? 2. Can you "stack" targets; e.g. call the
plugin prior to test so that they work together?
is a hidden thing. That can be arbitrary bash, but should really just stick to setting env vars.
I'm in the middle of writing a new Pants launcher to replace
and it supports that but also loads
tides you over?
You still need to expose those loaded env vars to rules / targets with pants.toml and BUILD edits of course using the appropriate config, e.g.:
[subprocess-environment] env_vars
Is there an intention for it to be undocumented, or is that just an accidental omission?
ok so to be clear, I would create a file named
and in it I put, for example
, then in pants.toml I have
Copy code
extra_env_vars = ["HOSTNAME"]
Now my tests should have
available as an environment variable?
Yes, except
- leading dot.
@busy-vase-39202 I'm not sure, but I'd like it to die eventually! It was an awkward bit transitioning from a
bash script to a `scie-pants`native binary to support. The
support should cover most cases and that should be documented once it lands but I'd hope we can wean away from `.pants.bootstrap`once the GIT_COMMIT case is solved.
hmm still missing something. I can tell it's working because I can cause errors in
and I have the variable defined in the pants.toml. But when I run the test in python
throws a key error because it can't find the environment variable
@loud-laptop-89838 please try poking the hole using BUILD instead of `pants.toml`https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/reference-python_tests#codeextra_env_varscode I just had to use this yesterday for my own project and it worked.
It looks like the way you did it should work, but we can revisit that with maybe a bug report if the target config works to get you moving along.
yeah target isn't working either. Really weird. Like I said, I know bootstrap is loading because I can make it throw errors. Then under the directory BUILD file in the python_tests target I added
as just an array of strings, which match the values set in the bootstrap file
Hrm, OK. I'm on 2.14.0. I'll have a review out with my repo later today so I can point at that as an example, but makes no sense to me how this isn't working for you.
same. And just to confirm, if I set
that should add the env var to the test right?
Yeah, that's a way to narrow the debugging here. The test should see 123.
My example, have Pants build a
and then use it in integration tests:
Copy code
and$ cat tools/tests/BUILD

Ok so that worked. I got my test to print out
when it fails and it shows HOSTNAME=123
Ok, so its just the pass-through somehow not working.
Seems to be.
Do you have a pants script with the lines I linked?
Oh, yeah
Your error test
No clue. You'll need to dig a bit.
yeah I guess so.
So, another unlocker but still a bug needs to be fixed, go back to your pants.toml approach, but edit like so:
Copy code
extra_env_vars = ["HOSTNAME=%(env.HOSTNAME)s"]
That funky interpolation syntax is not widely known I think.
ahh stupid mistake. I didn't have
at the start of the lines in bootstrap. I just copied from .env.
so it wasn't setting the variables
Aha. Ok great. Works then?
I'm getting some other weirdness, but the key error is gone now, so the variables seem to be set
appreciate the help!
When is that new update coming out @enough-analyst-54434 just curious now?
replacement thing? That'll be a new pantsbuild/scie-pants repo later today. I'd just like to finish the new update capability ~
SCIE_BOOT=update-scie-pants pants
to self-update the new "pants" script, which will just be a
binary anywhere on your
. I'm afraid without the update capability folks will start using it and then not get fixes for this very new thing easily if there are issues.
you're probably right. I look forward to seeing it
CI setup, a few PRs to add self-update and pants-from-sources support later today along with releases: https://github.com/pantsbuild/scie-pants Once there are releases those will be safe to download and use, static binaries so just download, name to your desired name and put on PATH.
👏 1
Alrighty, the
replacement experiment is ready for testing. If you're interested in trying it out and providing feedback, please give this a read: https://github.com/pantsbuild/scie-pants/blob/main/README.md In short, download
, mark it executable, put it on your PATH and use
instead of
. Thanks in advance for your testing and feedback.
❤️ 8
I've been using it today. So far, so dope!
If you run
in a directory where Pants is not already set up, it will prompt you, and you can let it set up the latest Pants stable version for your project.
Such a "small" thing, but SUCH a huge quality of life improvement
I think the big quality of life improvement is you can write all this slow-path work in Python now.
You could get fancy and be tailor like and enable or offer to enable the right seeming set of backends, etc.
That sort of thing stresses Pants stability though; so maybe better that is just a goal in Pants that could be run. As things were I already needed to handle `s/--python-repos-repos/--python-repos-find-links/`on the 2.13 boundary. It will not be good if that sort of thing has to be done in too many places. It does put a nice spotlight on stability of some core names and options though.
The readme mentions that python is self contained in
. Does this mean for all python projects as well? Or just the pants internals? Ie how does this interact with, eg
One of the ideas here is to distribute an embedded Python interpreter with Pants, thereby removing the requirement of a specific system Python just to act as a Pants runner. So, pants becomes more of a "standalone binary", rather than "a collection of python files that are run by the user" So, this requirement goes away: https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/prerequisites
Python 3.7, 3.8, or 3.9 discoverable on your
Here's a long-running tracking issue: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/7369
Totally makes sense since not all projects are going to be on python backends. But just so I understand, this bundled python interpreter would not be used if I have a python project. Eg I couldn't just install pants (no python on the system) and then turn on the python backend and then run
for example on a python project? I would still need a python interpreter for my project. It's just that pants has one for it's own internals.
That's a good question. Today, you can specify a subset of the Python interpreters available on your machine to be used by your application code (e.g. I use Python 3.10 for my code, even though it can't be used to run Pants - so I have a separate Python 3.9 for Pants). In a blank system though, I wonder if you could (or even would want to) expose that embedded interpreter to act as a system python to run your application 🤔 For some more context, these are embedded: https://github.com/indygreg/python-build-standalone and they're placed in your system's cache directory, so they could be theoretically wiped out from beneath you (but
doesn't care, as it'll just grab it again).
Personally, I would/do package my python applications using PyOxidizer, but will be switching to using `scie`s once I land a packaging PR
Packaging pr? Are you creating a build system in pants?
Oh, sorry...
, like
./pants package xyz
Just a
plugin for packaging. https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/compare/main...sureshjoshi:pants:scie-jump However, in thinking about it, on this hypothetical "blank" system, you still need an interpreter to run your
./pants tests ::
So, yeah, in summary - I'm guessing you'll need the correct system python (or
or whatever), unless we start to download standalone interpreters to run user's
Well what about bundling
as a backend. Then you could just get whatever the user specifies as a constraint and easily manage any number of different version constraints in the monorepo. Not saying I want to do it 😆 but maybe sometime in the future. In the meantime I'm just looking forward to testing this!
You can play around with
today - I've been using it since yesterday
Right now the Python distribution used to bootstrap and run Pants is added to the PATH last here: https://github.com/pantsbuild/scie-pants/blob/main/package/scie-pants.lift.json#L93 That's probably a bad idea though. These interpreters are not full featured. Any attempt to use them to build a wheel with native extensions will fail (that is the ~only known limitation though). The question of helping you use pyenv or not is a Pants question and not a scie-pants question. The role of scie-pants should stay tightly scoped to launching Pants (and installing it as needed). It should be very fast in the former role and constrained in the latter. Pants itself and Pants goals and rules are the right tools for almost all other features.
That's helpful to understand the scope actually.
Right, so you could still have
scie-pants init
and the
part of that would see you don't have a
and it would set that up, which would launch pants, which would interpret the
goal and run that to further initialize the setup. Etc. So scie-pants got out of the way quick there and delegated everything fancy to the Pants
goal - a full fledged goal with rules and all the fancy complicated logic.
@loud-laptop-89838 I realized I never actually shipped
support. Now available in 0.2.0: https://github.com/pantsbuild/scie-pants/releases/tag/v0.2.0
👏 1