Did you propose a talk or tutorial to Pycon US? If...
# general
Did you propose a talk or tutorial to Pycon US? If it's related to building software or other topics relevant to our community, I'd love to know. Tell us what you're up to here!
By the way: if you're interested in proposing your talk or tutorial elsewhere, or looking for other ways to get your topic out in the world, I'm also happy to discuss what help I can offer you in finding additional opportunities to hone your ideas, practice your message, or find audiences that can offer constructive feedback on a rehearsal. We want to support you through every step of educating peers about issues this community cares about. Regardless of whether your talk is specifically related to Pants or not, if it's about related topics including (but not limited to) monorepos, architecture, build system design, Python, Rust, open source development, build engineering, platform engineering, developer tooling, developer experience, developer productivity, etc then please feel free to ping me anytime with requests for whatever support would be useful for you. Happy to connect you with people and resources. If we can help you to help other devs become more effective, that's win-win!
A BuildEngineer in a buildless lang
There’s more to Python than the language. And there’s more to Build Engineering than building code.
An entire ecosystem of amazing tools sit just beyond the atmosphere of Python’s interpreter. It’s a Build Engineer’s job to ensure you’re using the right ones, configured the right way, and that they run cohesively. As IBM Watson Orders' Build Engineer I am the guardian of the developer experience of almost 100 engineers and data scientists in a Python monorepo. Over the past year pre-submit time plummeted, the ease-of-use of local development tools skyrocketed, and I became a maintainer of an Open Source Build System. I am restlessly passionate about their developer experience as well as yours. You should be too.
Come find out why Build Engineering is important to you and your org, through one person’s constant struggle to expect better, how to find and foster Build Engineering, and how you can build better Python for yourself and others.
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(If anyone would rather keep the details of abstract private, by the way, no worries. But I'd still love to hear you've proposed. I'll be watching announcements of the Pycon schedule, and look forward to cheering you on and promoting y'all's talks as they're accepted. 🤞)
I don't think I've ever seen a talk at a conference about BuildEng, so I'm hoping this talk gets accepted somewhere. It's a niche field that deserves to be better understood, so that more companies can recognize when they need Build Engineers.
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I have proposed a talk for PyCon 2023 titled "Deploy Your Code Faster with PEX". Based on work we did with fast deploys in dagster cloud.
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It's great to see PEX get more attention. Last year at Pycon, our team got approached by a startling number of people who were really appreciative of PEX. We did a Pants/PEX sprint that was well-attended and hope to do one again this year. It would be fantastic to have a PEX talk as well!
Submitted two proposals (I know they only accept one per speaker, but it helps one's chances to provide variety) but neither are on Pants, which is what I assume you were asking for.
Nope, I'm interested in everything being proposed by members of our community. If it's a topic of interest to you, odds are hight it's a topic of interest to others in the community too!
(Even if it's not about building software, let alone building with Pants)
I proposed two talks to PyCon: • Building a Better Bike Shed: Getting Major Impact out of Trivial Discussions • When Projects Grow: CI/CD at Scale Thanks to @busy-vase-39202 for suggesting the idea for the first topic. It’s partially based on some things that go on in this community.
Ooohhh #1 sounds really interesting
Yeah all credit to Carina for the idea. I’m hoping it stands out from the field because it’s such a different topic
Same 😊 fingers crossed to the Josh collective
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The Jorg?
The Federation of Josh? The Josh Mindnet?
Credit starts with you sincerely writing that your proudest contribution to the project being bikeshedding. That cast the topic in a new light and made me consider how valuable and interesting those discussions have been, contrary to stereotype.
No dice!
Ah yes, Pycon is sending out acceptance letters today. @flat-zoo-31952 any word to you yet?
Apparently they're sending out rejection letters too 😤
My condolences. Keep putting it in to more conferences! A rejection just means it wasn't a fit, not that it was empirically unworthy. If you're curious for feedback, you can also ask Pycon if they'd be willing to share any. Sometimes they will, and it can be helpful for sanding the edges off a new proposal.
Nope, both talks rejected
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asked for feedback