I'm curious, for those who have more monorepo expe...
# general
I'm curious, for those who have more monorepo experience than me, do you see something like this fitting in well? Either in a pants monorepo or just generally? Where pants figures out transitive dependencies, does dependency management become an issue?
So pants has actually actually implemented something called visibility rules to handle such dependency management. @curved-television-6568 can explain more https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/13393
Oh, nice blog post, thanks for linking that. Yes indeed, there’s a new visibility backend in preview for Pants, where you may setup rules such as those described on that blog, in general terms (i.e. not tied to just Python but for any files/targets known to Pants)
Cool. I'm just reading through the issue comments. Guessing that it's not fully documented yet since it was only completed a few weeks ago?
I have a few more tweaks planned, and there’s also some open feedback not yet received from @bitter-ability-32190 on syntax..
I juuuuust made an issue. Good timing lol
haha.. lol 😂
Must say that you folks release a huge number of features. It's impressive.
❤️ 3
One of my favorite things about this community is the number of times someone has asked some variation of "Would you ever consider adding X" and has been met with some variation of "Just finished that very project today, here have fun!" It's pretty cool to see.
@ripe-scooter-10665 was the alarm-puller from a few weeks back. That led to an epiphany which allowed us to test most of the debug adapter code... which led to fixing like 5 bugs and one speedup for all
./pants run pyfile.py
It's also the most active community around a package/library/tool that I've seen. Definitely encourages more participation
❤️ 1
I think it helps a LOT that our team is drawn from many companies with varied use cases, so there is often someone who is personally encountering a problem that a less diverse team might not have direct experience of and be tempted to dismiss as an edge case. Whereas in Pants community it's more likely to be recognized as worthy of consideration, investigation, and resolving.
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I just love Python+Pants and want the best for all of us ❤️
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By the way, that's really nice to hear. Thank you. I'm glad you feel invited to participate. That's certainly the intention, so it's a pleasure to hear we're succeeding in making people feel welcome to get more involved!
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@loud-laptop-89838 btw I started contributing to Pants because of the acceptance of the community. Now I'm a maintainer. You'll find pretty much all of us are like that. I look forward to you joining in, if you want 🙂 We're always happy to have more contributors ❤️
💯 1
I've already planned out three plugins I want to build... now I just need to find the time
Truth. Not much more than a year ago, Josh was a newbie. He jumped right in!
Well, feel free to ask for a hand if you need one. There's usually someone willing to pair with a newcomer, and help you get acclimated to the codebase.
I definitely will. I'm working my way through the docs but will likely ask for a hand when it comes time to start building.
Cool. :⁠-⁠)